Asperger's Syndrome - Is Aspergers an Illness Or Just a Different Kind of Personality?
Many people have questioned whether Asperger's syndrome is a disease or just a different kind of character. That depends entirely on your perception of things.
Yes, there are physical things that will vary about someone with Aspergers and some very real biochemical.
Aspies (as people with Aspergers are sometimes called) typically have difficulty starting and supporting social contact, since they only do not "get" certain things about what they are expected to do.
They'll have trouble with loud noises and packed atmospheres.
They may be overwhelmed by the University, with no clear rules of what to do and most of the kids running about. The world may feel crazy and too disordered.
They will want usual and dark and
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Whether regarded as a character or condition variation, it does affect those individuals, who have it quite a bit, but there is desire, and there is support.
Issues might be fixed for those who have Aspergers. It's not just a death sentence. Some celebrities have been claimed to have Aspergers, including Einstein and Bill Gates. Then we would be dropping a critical way of thinking that has helped many individuals if we'd no people with Asperger meme.
An excellent Asperger's syndrome treatment can be hard to come by, as we all know. You should know what to search for and what exactly must be performed to enable the person in need. Do not forget that not all people are the same, so not every treatment method works. They will come to you if you are ready to consider the time to wait for effects.
1. Many individuals with this disease have trouble connecting with others around them. A few social skills training will help your child overcome this dilemma. Because in the end, a human child is significantly happier with or without Asperger's
Another social and communication disorder is Asperger syndrome, this is characterised by the following; the individual may have difficulties in social interactions, a restricted range of interests, repetitive behaviours and also they may have a delay in motor development. This may be shown in the individual 's clumsiness or uncoordinated movements, however, those with Asperger 's syndrome don’t have significant delays in both language and cognitive development. There are a number of different symptoms of Asperger 's yet it is unlikely that they would all be present in one person. Each
Approximately 947,570 Americans have Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), however, it is not an easy disorder to explain (Bashe 19). With multiple conditions and characteristics in each case, AS is not an easy disorder to diagnose. Asperger’s Syndrome was named after Hans Asperger, an Austrian physician, who first described the disorder in 1944 after studying a group of children with similar, unusual characteristics. However, AS was not made an official disease until 1994. Consequently, Asperger disease is just now becoming published and popular so there is still research and questions being answered. Asperger’s Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder, is noted by above-average
Asperger’s syndrome, which is also referred to as Asperger's disorder, is a type of Persuasive Developmental Disorder. Persuasive Developmental Disorder or PDD are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of basic skills, the most recognizable of these skills is the ability to communicate and socialize with others as well as use their own imagination. Although Asperger's syndrome is similar in some ways to autism, there are important differences between the two. Children with Asperger's syndrome typically function higher than those children with autism. In addition to them being higher functioning; children with Asperger's syndrome generally have normal intelligence and slightly less than normal language development.
Asperger´s disorder is not a disease, but a developmental brain disorder. It is four times more prevalent in boys than in girls and it shows no racial, ethnic or social boundaries. Family income, lifestyle and educational levels do not affect the chance of Asperger´s disorder's occurrence. According to Hans Asperger:
While both Autism and Asperger’s are displayed on a scale of severity, it is still a common link between over 90% of participants- and the endeavors they present can make life for those with O.S., who most likely have symptoms of either disorder, extremely difficult.
Aspergers syndrome is a type of pervasive development disorder or PDD. PDD’s are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills such as; the ability to socialize with others, to communicate and using their imagination( Aspergers). It was discovered by Hans Asperger who was a viennese physician who recognizes this disorder in the 1940’s. It became universally recognized as a developmental disorder in the United States( Quinn 32-33).
The person who presents looks normal, normal intelligence capacity, often skilled in restricted areas, but has troubles relating to others and sometimes presents inappropriate behaviors. As well as other conditions recorded in the spectrum, it is believed that Asperger 's disorder is a developmental disorder with neurological basis, in most of the cases is unknown where comes from. There are deviations or abnormalities in three main aspects of development:
Asperger’s syndrome is becoming more and more common as time goes by. Each year, more children are being diagnosed. This paper focuses on Asperger’s Syndrome and developing social skills in various social settings. By looking at the etiology, diagnostic procedures, how the condition effects development, daily challenges, current social/cultural views, and relevant social interventions, a better understanding on how to develop social skills for children with Asperger’s Syndrome can ensue. The world revolves around social situations. This is how people are hired for jobs, ask for things, make new friends, meet their future spouse, etc. At the moment, social skills training and social support is minimal compared to where it potentially
For the ASD trait of Aspergers Syndrome, they tend to have a hard time socially interacting with others. They display inappropriate behaviors and have hard times reading gestures or facial expressions of other people. Sometimes their gestures and facial expressions do not communicate with what they are thinking and feeling. Along with this trait, “Aspies are more likely to have a hard time reading people, because of the sensory problem since their senses are most of the time heightened” (The National Center for Learning Disabilities). Aspies feel increase irritation from the sounds/ tones in people's voices, and the texture of foods or certain fabric on clothing can be very overwhelming for people with Aspergers Syndrome. According to Dr. Tim
Commentary: Overall, with behavior being affected from Asperger's a person’s life can be limited greatly. It is harder for this type of person to interact with others. 2. Concrete evidence/ Textual support: According to The National Autistic Society, “AS and Autistic children demonstrated a greater rate of anxiety and depression problems.
There is a two-step diagnostic process for other ASDs, however. First, during a checkup with a pediatrician or other doctor, the child undergoes developmental screening to look for any social issues. The results are then examined by a team of specialists (i.e. psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and the like) to determine whether the child has an ASD. Most doctors recommend diagnosing Asperger’s by age two, but the symptoms are hard to recognize initially, so people are usually diagnosed later in life (“Asperger’s Syndrome Fact Sheet”). Plus, the symptoms of Asperger’s are sometimes mistaken for those of ADHD, further complicating diagnosis (“Asperger Syndrome - What Is
Amazingly, one percent of new births will have some type of autism (Autism Society of America, 2010). Asperger’s disorder is one type of Autism, and is at the high end of these disorders. This “disorder, which is also called Asperger's syndrome (AS) or autistic psychopathy, belongs to a group of childhood disorders known as pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) or autistic spectrum disorders”(Exkorn, 2006). A characteristic of this disorder is harsh and strict disruption of a certain type of brain development. The most affected areas of Asperger's disorder is difficulty in social understanding and in behavior or activities that are limited or recurring (Frey, 2003). Students with Asperser’s have different levels of seriousness,
Though never diagnosed, there are some famous people that we all know who was expected to have aspergers syndrome.
Asperger syndrome is a syndrome when a person has a range of neurological differences causing them to behave differently than most people. Aspergers is a form of autism. When dealing with a person who as Asperger's they choose to say they have aspergers and not asperger's syndrome. Each person who has Aspergers is different, they all are very unique cases.
A mother with a son who has Asperger’s stated: “Not much. The parent has to be motivated and support their child’s needs. When this happens things work out fine. If they do not participate then the child suffers.”