
Essay On Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a MockingBird takes place in a small town in Alabama called Maycomb. This novel by Harper Lee features the daily lives of two children growing up during the great depression. The story is told in the perspective of Scout Finch as an adult, looking back on her childhood. She lives with her older brother Jem, Her father Atticus and her cook/care taker Calpernia. Atticus teaches Scout life lessons with his wisdom, kindness and understanding. He is portrayed as a role model and someone Scout respects greatly. Who was Atticus Finch? Throughout Scouts childhood, her father, Atticus modeled a person of kindness. He was brave and did many services for the community. One of which was when he shot Tim Johnson, a rabid dog that had wandered down the Finches’ neighborhood. If he had missed he could have risked getting bit. Atticus put himself in unsafe or often uncomfortable …show more content…

Even when Aunt Alexandra drove him crazy, he stayed calm and tried to talk out the disagreement with her. He understood that she was just trying to do what she thought was best. Furthermore Atticus understood the importance of him taking up Tom’s case. Tom Robinson would not of even had a chance with any lawyer other that Atticus. He knew that it was the right thing to do and that people’s lives depended on him. Atticus explained, “Scout simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s mine, I guess. “ (Lee 101) This quote shows that Atticus knew this trial was going to be difficult and how he had an understanding for Tom that he was his best chance. After the trial was done and Tom was found guilty, Bob Ewell began threatening Atticus. Atticus didn’t get frustrated with him but took the insults and brushed them off. He understood that Mr. Ewell was a troubled man and thought that those were just empty

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