
Essay On Australian Government

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VU21479 Research features of Australia Government
Yanfei Han GEC000002K

Task 1
1. Constitution of Australia
2. Control the government of Australia
3. Legislative Power Executive Power Judicial Power
4. Legislative Power
5. Judicial Power
6. Commonwealth, state or territory, and local
7. The commonwealth can make financial grants to a state or territory and specify how the money is to be spent
8. Public hospitals, nursing services for health. Funding primary and secondary school for education. Build some railways and buses, roads.
9. Meals-on-wheels, garbage collection in health area. Children care for education. Build footpaths, street signs.
10. Peter Cosgrove
11. Malcolm Turnbull
12. Daniel Andrews
13. Robert Doyle

Task 2
1. the Greens party …show more content…

14. 1925
15. 1962
16. Health Australia Party Seniors United Party Socialist Equality Party Pirate Party Australia Labour Party Socialist Equality Party Pirate Party
17. Senate Ballot Paper
18. Above the line, Below the line
19. 3
20. Australian Labour party
21. Australian Labour party
Australian citizens over 18 years old and have lived at your address which is your principal place of residence for at least 1 month.
Special enrolment
Special category enrolment forms are available forms are available if you:
Are temporarily overseas.
Cannot attend a polling place on elation day.
Believe that having your address shown on a publicly available roll may endanger your or that of your family have no fixed address.
Are in prison.
When a good leader is chosen, he will work for us and enable us to work for each other.
If only a few people choose the leader it becomes a “puppet Master system”.
It is undemocratic to force people to vote.
The ill-informed and those little interests in politics are forced to the polls.
It may increase the number of “Donkey votes”.
It may increase the number of informal

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