
Essay On Australian Identity

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The Australian identity is progressively constructed through political and societal ideologies that have shaped views on morality, race, character, values and religion (Cousins, 2005). The genesis of an Australian identity dates back to the white settlement, where culture was dominantly influenced and controlled by an Anglo-Saxon heritage and harsh circumstances due to terrain and climate (Moran, 2011). Thus, physical rigorousness, mateship and the capability to endure hardship were foundational in the development of identity (Baum & Butler, 2014).

Mono-racialism in mainstream media has become a paramount realisation amongst minority groups in society (Aquilia, 2001). ABC program, ‘The Drum’, demonstrated the lack of non Anglo-Saxon actors …show more content…

Through media promotion, Pauline Hanson’s ‘One-Nation’ campaign developed wide controversy through her anti-immigrant and anti-globalisation demands (Goot, 2005). Similarly, secretary for Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Robb, articulated his desire to terminate the term multiculturalism and promote Howard’s desire of civic nationalism that advocated for individuals from diverse backgrounds to adhere to integration of the mainstream, Australian way (Johnson, 2007). More recently on SBS radio. Novak discusses that many second-generation migrants still experience a sense of disconnectedness and do not identify themselves as Australian (2011). Comparably, the news article presented by Measham (2014) summarises that multicultural voices are not adequately heard within the media today and therefore authentic cultural perspectives are not being reached to the majority of the population. These media perspectives on Australian multiculturalism suggest that Australia is not consistent with the mateship and fair go they continue to characterise their national identity as obtaining due to a level of equity not being provided to all Australian

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