The Australian identity is progressively constructed through political and societal ideologies that have shaped views on morality, race, character, values and religion (Cousins, 2005). The genesis of an Australian identity dates back to the white settlement, where culture was dominantly influenced and controlled by an Anglo-Saxon heritage and harsh circumstances due to terrain and climate (Moran, 2011). Thus, physical rigorousness, mateship and the capability to endure hardship were foundational in the development of identity (Baum & Butler, 2014).
Mono-racialism in mainstream media has become a paramount realisation amongst minority groups in society (Aquilia, 2001). ABC program, ‘The Drum’, demonstrated the lack of non Anglo-Saxon actors
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Through media promotion, Pauline Hanson’s ‘One-Nation’ campaign developed wide controversy through her anti-immigrant and anti-globalisation demands (Goot, 2005). Similarly, secretary for Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Robb, articulated his desire to terminate the term multiculturalism and promote Howard’s desire of civic nationalism that advocated for individuals from diverse backgrounds to adhere to integration of the mainstream, Australian way (Johnson, 2007). More recently on SBS radio. Novak discusses that many second-generation migrants still experience a sense of disconnectedness and do not identify themselves as Australian (2011). Comparably, the news article presented by Measham (2014) summarises that multicultural voices are not adequately heard within the media today and therefore authentic cultural perspectives are not being reached to the majority of the population. These media perspectives on Australian multiculturalism suggest that Australia is not consistent with the mateship and fair go they continue to characterise their national identity as obtaining due to a level of equity not being provided to all Australian
Making an accurate representation of Australian identity will forever be a difficult task with the vast range of lifestyles its people live. However, this concept is challenged and has developed into an obsession. (ConvictCreations, 2000) This is because of the many age groups, class divisions, differences in location and cultural diversity. Since the introduction of television, producers have made humorous and witty shows, interpreting and critiquing the Australian Identity. This critique is referred to as ‘satire’ and is made apparent mostly in television shows such as Chris Lilley’s 2005, hit mockumentary series, We Can be Heroes. The internationally acclaimed show satirises the ‘faults’ in Australian identity while also providing humorous entertainment. In the short, six episode series, a variety of satirised elements are unmistakable. Characters have been developed to represent the many levels of class division in our society. Enhancing the definition of such classes is the differences in use of language and knowledge between the characters – an effective tool to categorise the differences in our society.
Culture is always changing. Beliefs, behaviours and presentation, religion and language all form part of what is an individual’s or community’s culture. (Bowes, Grace, & Hodge, 2012, p.75 & 77). Due to its intrinsic nature, when people migrate to Australia, they bring their culture with them. As migrants come from all over the world, and not the one place, their
The Australian Identity by Isaiah Ainsley The typical Australian can be defined as muscular, tall and athletic, worldwide we are still seen as what we were in the 1800’s. That stereotype of let’s say Crocodile Dundee with the corkscrew hats living out in the bush is what we are seen as to anyone outside of Australia. Currently, the nation’s stereotype is dilute, where hegemonic, protest and alternative masculinities are interchangeable. Throughout multiple examples the idea of the stereotypical Australian being hegemonic is supported. Hegemonic society consists of patriarchy and homophobia.
It is applied indiscriminately within the Australian media to label array of factors seen as threatening to national identity, way of life or values. This uncomplimentary use of Americanisation sees Australia as adopting social practices and cultural values which originates in the United States. (Bennett 1999)
Reports from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003a, 2003b, as cited in Ashman & Elkins, 2009, p. 7) show 25% of the Australian population is currently made up of migrants from around 200 countries. This fact demonstrates Australia, on the whole, has a tolerant and inclusive society. A society can be identified as a collection of people who live together in a relatively ordered community (Ashman & Elkins, 2009, p. 7). It could be said, Australia has one of the most inclusive societies on the planet; however, this was not always the case.
Australia is a settler nation which is now made up of many ethnic groups who share similar cultural traditions, common language, shared history and a shared identity (ABS, 2016). These groups contribute to what is referred to multiculturalism. Australia has a higher proportion of people born overseas than the US, Canada and the UK, with 49% of Australia’s population (or a parent) being born overseas (Census of Population and Housing, 2016). Compared to other Western nations, Australia has one of the most diverse immigration populations (Collins, 2013, p. 145). The meaning of multiculturalism in Australia has changed significantly over time. Today, Australia is a culturally and ethnically diverse country and therefore is a multicultural society. In terms of public policy, multiculturalism can be defined as policies and practices implemented by the Australian government that aim to manage cultural diversity to benefit the whole of society (Department of Social Services, 2014). Although Australia is a multicultural society, there are criticisms of public policy surrounding multiculturalism.
The concept of being a ‘nation of immigrants’ is at the center of Australian identity.
Multiculturalism is a term used within a number of different contexts and thus can greatly vary in terms of its meaning. In the context of Australian political history however, ‘Multiculturalism’ can be viewed as a national ideology- a policy and framework that has guided and strengthened the cultural development of a unique Island Nation. Designed to embrace and promote unity amongst diversity, Australian Multiculturalism seeks to ensure that all Australians are simultaneously assured the right to maintain their culture, whilst committing to their responsibilities of accepting others and obeying the Australian law.
Each one of us could describe ourselves with a multitude of different identities. These identities can be seen as defining us as people and may be cultural, ethnic, religious, gendered, class-oriented or ideological. They are as varied as our imagination. In Australia, the religious, cultural and ethnic complexity of our society is particularly diverse. In the midst of this diversity, is there an elusive quality, a 'national identity', which binds us all as Australians.
Australia has always been a multicultural country, the first immigrants that came to Australia were the British in 1788. During this phase of European settlement various policies were created to address cultural diversity. One of the most infamous policies was that of assimilation that forced Australian Aboriginal people and migrants to give up their own culture and heritage and assimilate to colonial Australian culture. Eventually this policy was revised to Multiculturalism. That as a policy in Australia refers to handling the ramifications of diversity, bearing in mind that all Australians have the right to a cultural identity, all citizens must be able to express their cultural inheritance. Whether Multiculturalism is advantageous for Australia or not is a very controversial topic. There is a side that argues that multiculturalism could threaten the lifestyle of many Australians. On the other hand, research demonstrates that from an Australian perspective it has been mostly advantageous. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism in Australia, with regard to economical, historical and social perspectives.
Australia has always been centered around diversity and change, specifically with the vast multiculturalism and migrant culture throughout the nation. The specifics of Identity hold an important role in shaping our identity as students and as a nation. Australians pride themselves on being a land of the free and full of diverse culture. This is specifically referred to in our national Anthem; “For those who've come across the seas, We've boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine,”(McCormick, 1984). Displaying Australia’s open attitude towards immigrants and contributes to the diversity present within our society today. Even before this, much of Australia’s Identity was associated with caucasian culture (Originating from British Settlers). Which is the dominant perception of Australia through the media with australian representation being present through the stereotypes of Bogans, which was made popular through shows like Kath and Kim (ABC, 2007). Also, represented through the popular depiction of Australian people - the bushman made popular by movies like Crocodile Dundee (Faiman, 1986) and through famous real life bushman; Steve Irwin. An important aspect of Australian identity which is consistently neglected is the culture and representation of the initial owners of the land; the aboriginal people. Throughout history the constant mistreatment and neglect of the indigenous, has lead to a massive gap in privilege between the aboriginal people and our
Australian national identity is a changing view, shaped by the attitudes and values of its citizens, its relationships through trade and alliances with neighbouring countries, the composition of Australia’s society and the rights and freedoms of all Australians. Through Australia’s history during the federation and through to current times our national identity has evolved quite significantly and has come to appreciate what once was frowned upon.
So what does “multiculturalism” mean? In simple terms multiculturalism is the coexistence, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures in a singular geographic or democratic jurisdiction. Multiculturalism has been a huge part of this study as Australia as a nation is diversified into a various cultural aspects. The concept of multiculturalism has become a widely accepted and embraced fact around the world as more and more countries have adopted to the global policies of acceptance which not only helps the nation economically but also contributes towards the growth of various cultural boundaries and also helps develop knowledge about wide spread variety of customs and culture groups around the world. Ultimately the essence of multiculturalism in any society is to eradicate the feeling of an outsider and accept ethnic and racial groups as their our and build the concept of unity in
Australian Aborigines are thought to have the longest continuous cultural history in the world. Yet, within a hundred years, the near extinction of the Aboriginal culture almost occurred. This single event, the invasion of the Australian continent by European settlers, changed the lifestyle, the culture, and the fate of Australian Aborigines. Their entire lives were essentially taken away and they were forced into a white, European world where the lifestyle change could not have been any different. Aborigines in Australia today are struggling to deal with a past in which they lost touch with their culture and now are trying to regain some of that cultural identity.
Mateship. Adventurous. Loyal. Free. Proud. These are the typical words Australians use to describe themselves, to identify themselves as different from the rest of the world. But who is an Australian? Someone that was born in Australia? Only people we choose to call Australian? People with great achievements that we choose to take credit for? Only people that love sport and vegemite? Or maybe only people with ‘Aussie’ accents? The Australian population is a proud one indeed, proud of their nation, their achievements and their own independent way of life, but sometimes us Aussies, forget about the rest of the world and all those other people that make us, who we are.