
Essay On Becoming A Republican

Decent Essays

The way that I grew up was out in rural Memphis, Tennessee. Therefore, I was raised to be a Christian and a republican. But my family was slightly different than the rest of the people I lived around. They did not raise me to be a right winged republican. Instead, they took to heart what both democrats and republicans had to say and they agree a little with both. So, that is how I am today, I would not go and vote for someone just because they are a republican. If there is a person that is democrat, but brings to the table more ideas that I agree with then I am more likely to vote for them. It depends on what the person has to say, not what party they are in. I have met many people that do not share my way of thinking, most of them whom are democrat, and do not believe that it is …show more content…

When someone tells me this, I find it best not to get mad or try to fight with them. Instead, I will at first try to explain to them why I think this way and if they are not ready to open their mind to new ways of thinking or do not with to see the way I think, or they simply enjoy fighting people on their views. In this position it is best to let it go and not argue. If that is the way they think I respect that, and I am not here to try and change their view. Another big controversy is over religion. Whenever the discussion of religion comes up between me and an atheist or someone of another religion I stick to one main goal. The goal is to not argue, just to listen. I do not wish to argue with someone, that accomplishes nothing in such a circumstance. Instead, I wish to hear what the other person has to say and try to understand why they feel this way. I would rather understand why other people have a certain view than trying to convert someone into thinking the way I think. If someone were to confront me now I would not change what I do. I feel like the way I respond is a nice way to

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