
Essay On Being Black In America

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Being an individual of color has certainly taught me a few valuable lessons in my 17 years of life. The social constructs of slavery and racism is not over. No matter how much wealth you posses or how much “freedom” you’ve acquired, you still are considered a “nigga.” Even though being black in America varies and differs from every person, I live in a generation where I am systematically oppressed and have to rise up beyond the stereotypes of being black. I’ve learned that saying hello is just another way of saying goodbye. I’ve experienced and witnessed individuals judge and become prejudice towards African Americans because of the melanin in our skin. Being black in America causes us to be placed under specific stereotypes and expected …show more content…

I am not considered an authentic black person because I ‘talk white’ have beautiful curly hair, am not pregnant, attend school with a 4.0, have both of my parents in my life, and understand, know and speak out against the stereotypes, brutality and oppression that we are put under. People assume all black males were raised in a single parent home. People assume that if you are a black male, that you sell drugs or the only reason you’re ‘prospering’ in school is because you play basketball or football. . If you are a black female, they assume you will have kids by different men, be referred to as “baby mama” or you may not even know who the father of your children are. People come to the conclusion that all black people are ghetto and ratchet, however, they use these words without knowing the true definition of them. (Rachet: a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only. Ghetto: put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group) This same society expects African Americans’ to be uneducated and lack the knowledge of their government or their surroundings in

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