
Essay On Being Latina

Decent Essays

Without a doubt, being Latina has had the most positive effect on my life. I had always felt a little disconnected because of small things like not being able to speak Spanish as well or having lighter skin. I grew up in a home where family always came first and learned to always ensure that everyone around you has everything that they need. I feel lucky that I was able to grow up with such strong morals because of my culture. Last year, I became very proud of being part of such a beautiful community through the current political climate and the Latino Student Union. I realized how passionate I was about equality and rights. I recognized how unfair things are for minorities. Being Latina has helped me realize the potential I have.
Despite only being in high school for two years, the friends that I have made have greatly impacted who I am as a person. Whenever I am struggling, my friends are the first people I turn to for advice. I learned from them that I always put others first even when it may cause a large amount of stress later on, am very talkative about the things I am …show more content…

As I got older, the feelings of anxiety grew more intense until everything seemed to come crashing down all at once. Eventually, I decided that I had had enough of constantly feeling suffocated from my anxiety. I began to do lots of research and would do projects on anything and everything involving mental health. Remembering how awful I felt everyday, I decided that I would do everything I could to help others with their mental health. I would constantly check in with my friends to make sure that they were okay and that they were taking care of themselves. I became a more caring and sympathetic person from something that had total control over my life. I do not think I would be the person I am today if I had not dealt with those feelings of anxiety and

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