People who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder are usually on a regimen of mood stabilizers. According to the study published by Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental those who suffer from mental illness are regularly prescribed many psychotropic medications, yet to get effective treatment the patient must adhere to the regimen (Bauer et al., 2010). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the daily amount of medications that the patient took was associated with the patient’s self-reported adherence of taking a mood stabilizer (Bauer et al., 2010). The methods used were data collection in which 312 patients with bipolar disorder had to document sleep, mood, and the medications like lithium or valproate that …show more content…
Bipolar disorder is a serious chronic mental illness that can change the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. According to the study done by Cognitive Therapy & Research, negative attributional styles and maladaptive attitudes can bring out a depressive state especially if one is encountering a stressful life event (Reilly-Harrington et al., 2010). The purpose of this study was to examine how patients with bipolar disorder enrolled in the “Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD)” think and perceive information and how that correlates to the measures of manic and depressive symptoms (Reilly-Harrington et al., 2010). Thus, two measures of cognitive styles such as “Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS) and the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ)” as well as mood assessments were needed to be completed by 395 out of 500 bipolar patients (Reilly-Harrington et al., 2010). DAS assessed whether the individual supported dysfunctional attitudes such as “I am nothing if a person I love doesn’t love me back” by rating on a “7 point Degree of Belief scale” (Reilly-Harrington et al., 2010, p. 27). Meanwhile, ASQ assessed the attributions for six positive and six negative theoretical events
Bipolar disorder, also commonly referred to as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual and heightened swings in a person’s mood, energy level, and ability to function. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe and therefore, they are quite different from the normal shifts in mood that everyone goes through on a daily basis. The effects of bipolar disorder can result in broken relationships, poor performance at work or school, self-mutilation, and even suicide. However, in most instances, bipolar disorder can be treated and people with this illness can lead normal and productive lives with the help of medication and therapy.
This source gives the readers an in-depth overview of Bipolar Disorder and the causes of having the mental health issue. There’s a great distinction between the ups and downs people experience and bipolar disorder. Due to the ups and downs teens and children experience, bipolar disorder is hard to diagnose during those early years. The National Center of Biotechnology Information’s research program is run by Senior Investigators, Tenure Track Investigators, Staff Scientists, and Postdoctoral Fellows which makes the source credible. The source contained
Twenty-three of them were bipolar patients currently in the non-manic depressive episode. Thirteen of these twenty-three patients were female and ten were male with a mean age ± standard deviation [SD] 43.8 ± 12.6). The remaining twenty-seven participants were the healthy control group. Seventeen of the healthy control group was female and ten were male with a mean age ± SD 37.6 ± 11.6).
Childhood Onset Bipolar Disorder (COBPD) is one of the most debilitating mental disorders affecting children today. Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder usually affecting adults that causes sometimes severe changes in mood. Childhood Onset Bipolar disorder is just what it sounds like, a bipolar disorder that occurs during childhood. Persons suffering from a bipolar disorder experience mood swings ranging from depression to mania. During a depressive episode patients can experience feelings of extreme hopelessness or sadness, inability to concentrate and trouble sleeping. Symptoms of mania include rapidly changing ideas, exaggerated cheerfulness and excessive physical activity. Hypomanic symptoms are
Bipolar disorder, also called a manic-depressive illness, is a common disorder which causes mood swings, lasting periods of depression, and episodes of mania. “Extreme changes in energy, activity, sleep, and behavior go along with these changes in mood” (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2008). A person becomes more goal-oriented and has grandeur visions of success. Patient M shows all these symptoms while talking to her friends and professors in college. She describes herself as a person who is above the two standard genders, what she calls a “third sex”, and who switched souls with a senior senator from her state. The latter belief inspires her to start a political campaign and achieve a high position in the government. She
(2000) explained that the prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder is between 2.6% and 6.5%, which can be compared to the prevalence of drug abuse which is 4.4%. Bipolar can be classified as a spectrum disorder because it forms an umbrella for bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymia, and bipolar disorder not otherwise specified. Unfortunately, bipolar spectrum disorders often go undiagnosed and therefore untreated. With that, Hirschfelt et all (2000), emphasizes the importance of recognizing this disorder. With recognition, these individuals can seek intervention for this disorder and decrease its symptoms and its progression. One way to diagnose this disorder is to screen for it by performing a mood disorder questionnaire. The researchers created a one-page, self-report, paper-and-pencil inventory that can be easily evaluated and administered. The questions were derived from the DSM-IV criteria at the time, but have been updated to the newest version’s clinical
Bipolar Disorder is one of many depressive disorders which affect the way your brain functions. Depressive disorders are very common in fact, about 1 out of 7 people are diagnosed with a depressive disorder each year. So chances are that you know someone that has it whether it is a family member, friend, or coworker. Bipolar disorder goes by many different names, but they are all the same disorder. Some of these include: manic depressive-disorder, bipolar mood disorder, and bipolar affective disorder.
Bipolar Disorder is a disorder marked by alternating or intermixed period of mania and depression. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 created two kinds of bipolar disorder, bipolar I and bipolar II. Bipolar I am a type of bipolar disorder marked by full manic and major depressive episode. Bipolar II is a type of bipolar disorder marked by mild manic episodes and major depressive episodes (Comer, 2016). These two types of bipolar disorders have their own dominant distinctions between manic and depressive episodes. In order to be properly diagnosed with this disorder a doctor or licensed medical health profession must diagnose it. Some of the treatments of bipolar disorder are medication and psychotherapy. In the film, Silver Linings Playbook, the main character Pat Solatano, who is played by Bradley Cooper is diagnosed with Bipolar I. He was released from Karel Psychiatric Facility after spending eight months there for a plea deal. He moves back home to live with his parents and begins to rebuild his life in order to be with his wife, Nikki again. However, during this time, he met Tiffany, who also had her own mental problems but, throughout the film there is a bond forming between them which change in Solatano for the better. Since Solatano was diagnosed with bipolar I, his symptoms were categorized toward manic and depressive episodes.
At least 2 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorder, more commonly known as manic-depression. This illness usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood and continues throughout life. Although it may come into affect at any time, most individuals with the disorder experience their first mood episode in their 20’s. However, manic-depression quite often strike teenagers and has been diagnosed in children under 12.
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness affects about 1.2 percent of the U.S. population (8). It is defined by fluctuating states of depression and mania throughout ones life. Those who are depressed may be restless, irritable, have slowed thinking or speech, decreased sexual activity, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, suicidal thoughts as well as other changes. Those in a manic state may have increased activity or energy, more thoughts and faster thinking, grandiose thoughts, decreased sleep and need for sleep, increased sexual activity, elated mood, irritable mood, as well as other symptoms. Mixed state is when both depression and mania are exhibited at the same time in a cycle. Rapid cycling
In order for a child to experience the best education possible, a teacher must take into consideration the student’s needs and abilities. For some students, they may face disabilities that may hinder their learning process. In order to provide these students an excellent academic environment, it is imperative for a teacher to appropriately handle the student’s disability. In the National Association of School Psychologists’ site, they provide resources in which provide teachers information of bipolar disorder in secondary students.
All night, Hearing voices telling me that I should get some sleep, because tomorrow might be good for something. Hold on, I'm feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown, I don't know why. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell. I know, right now you can't tell, but stay awhile and maybe then you'll see a different side of me. –Matchbox 20, Unwell (Thomas, 2003)
Many have confused schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with dissociative identity disorder. Bipolar disorder also known as manic-depression is a fairly common disorder when compared to schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. It is also well-understood and treated by a combination of medications and psychotherapy.It is characterized by alternating moods of mania and depression. These usually last weeks or even months depending on the person. People who are manic have a high energy level and often irrational beliefs. After a manic mood, the person will often “crash” into a depressive mood characterized by sadness and lethargy. It is found in both men and women equally and cause significant sleeping problems in both the manic mood and depressive mood. This disorder can pose a great challenge to treat due to the medications that are prescribed causing the patient to feel “zombie like”or “emotionless”. They tend to wean off of their medication and are able to cope well with their mood swings in society. Bipolar disorder can be diagnosed throughout the person 's life. Schizophrenia is less common than bipolar disorder but more common than dissociative identity disorder. Men are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than women and is diagnosed mostly in the person’s late teens to early 20s. Schizophrenia is categorized by having both hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations are defined by an experience involving the apparent perception perception of something