
Essay On Censorship In America

Decent Essays

The Censorship in America
Censorship is a very controversial issue in the world with many different types and has many positive and negative effects on us. Censorship is looked at by many as a necessity in people’s lives while others believing it to be a bane that annoys and bothers them. The advocates to censorship believe that it protects and keeps our youth safe from corruption that could affect them in negative ways. People who hate censorship believe it to be a burden on us and keep us from getting what we need sometimes. Different types of censorship such as pornographic censorship have positive effects like keeping the youth safe from corruption by some materials, but it also has negative effects like limiting the amount of materials that people can use for things like research.

There are many different types of censorship in the world from political censorship to media censorship. The media in censored in many ways like internet websites being taken down for security purposes or films being banned from countries for the sexual or pornographic aspects to them. Politics are also a place for censoring because of the needed censoring of information to keep security and safety in the country. One example of security and political censorship is “the …show more content…

Censorship can limit the amount of information that we can use for things like research papers or projects. Sheila Warren who’s a researcher from Stanford University believes that “The more censors you put on things, the less information we’ll have… This can lead to political boycotts and disputes.” Censoring of materials that people want to know about can lead to a world filled with civil unrest like in Fahrenheit 451. People truly want to look at things and learn from them even if they are banned or censored like in Fahrenheit 451 where, “There must be something in books… to make a woman stay in a burning

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