
Essay On Child Discipline

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Even though some kids don't need physical discipline and learn well without it. It is wise for children to be disciplined and it is essential for kids to become respectful kids in the future and physical discipline enforces respect. Without a parent establishing authority, the kid takes charge and loses respect for their superiors. Physical discipline is legal in all 50 states. Each state has a different standard of what is legal and what is reasonable. For many it has to do with cultural background or religious background, to what the parent is supposed to do. Others are scared of their children because when they were little they were too scared to “hurt” them.
When does discipline cross the line? Well, we all know that interacting in any sexual act is automatically child abuse. There is no question about it. But when does discipline turn in child abuse? Take in consideration the type of parenting style. Parents who do not have control over their anger or frustration do not have the right to take it on their children. It is supposed to be a learning experience into obedience. If the parent/parents are anger it makes them more susceptible to crossing the line. At this point, if the parent is feeling frustrated with child and is going to punish, take a cool down. Show the child that acting on anger is not okay and discipline in a calm, loving way. According to PA-FSA.
According to the BIBLE, it says “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to

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