
Essay On Childhood Memories

Satisfactory Essays

Remembering the details of everything that happened in someone’s life is difficult, especially when the memory is from the person 's childhood. If the child was under three years old then they will have child amnesia also known as infantile amnesia. Conversely at the age four years old and younger the children will not be able to hold the memories, making all of them forgotten. Jim has just learned that his memory of his parents winning the lottery was wrong, and there are many different reasons as to why his perception of the memory is wrong. For Jim, he could have been under the age of four when his parents won the lottery, therefore he can only make up his own story of how his parents reacted when he is older in age to perceive as an …show more content…

If he was wearing his favorite red tennis shoes and then looks at his tennis shoes now, this may cue a memory of the day his parents won the lottery when he was wearing the shoes. A certain item or phrases with help clue parts of memories on to be remembered. This could affect others mentally if they have two different mental states. Resulting in unfortunate events if the person had multiple personality disorder then they will not remember anything from one state of mind from another. The only way they will be able to remember is if they reach into the previous state of mind.
However, Jim could have remembered wrong by both of his parents telling him the story about that day separately. Both his parents could have twisted the story slightly, making room for Jim the fill in the gaps in his own way. This creates source monitoring confusion; when someone tells a story in a misleading way. If his mother described coming back from the church before finding out about winning the lottery, Jim could assume he was wearing formal clothes. In another way, his father could have said that they were coming back from lunch, which happened to be after church and his father may not have said anything about the church before lunch. Therefore, Jim was coming back from eating, then he could refer to his clothing as casual wear. Many ways people describe the story the interpreter can infer the story in different ways.
Nevertheless, when people tell

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