What is Colon Cancer?
Breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer are the most frequently diagnosed cancers in the US. They affect millions of people worldwide and are responsible for a staggering number of deaths as a consequence. Cancer occurs due to the malfunctioning of the cell division process. Usually, this is a smooth procedure and is needed for the growth and repair of tissues, however when uncontrolled and rapid, it can lead to the formation of abnormal tissue. This abnormal tissue is known as a tumor, the tumors that are cancerous in nature are called ‘malignant’. Cancerous tumors are so deadly because they have the ability to spread and grow within one area of the body and (through metastasis) also spread through the bloodstream or lymph system, causing the
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Colorectal cancer refers to cancer that has affected both the colon and the rectum areas of the body. The colon is involved in the absorption of nutrients and water from food and the rectum is the storage and passageway through which waste is removed from the body. Colon cancer tends to originate from the formation of tumors against the walls of the bowels or on polyps that are present in the colon. These polyps can be present without being cancerous, so having bowel polyps is not necessarily a sign of having colon cancer.
What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer?
Depending on the positioning or stage of the disease, the symptoms for colon cancer will vary. Typically, tell-tale signs are blood being passed out in urine or stools, difficulty or pain when passing out waste and deep pains from the bowel region. Changes in bowel movements and visits to the toilet may occur, as well as abdominal pains or cramps. Due to the location of the tumor, bowel cancer may not always display these symptoms as obviously as some cancers and disease do. This can make the detection of colon cancer incredibly difficult.
What are the risk factors for developing colon
Colon cancer is a condition in which polyps form in the lining of the colon (large intestine).
Colorectal cancer mainly starts at colon or the rectum. They are common in most of the way like features, but they have different treatment. What is the different between colon cancer and rectum cancer? Colon cancer happens first four to five feet of the large intestine and rectal cancer happens in the last few inches of the large intestine where it is connected to anus.
The signs and symptoms of colon cancer include blood in the stool, weight loss, change in movements in the bowel and fatigue. Most colon cancers are adenocarcinomas because they begin in the cells responsible for making and releasing mucus and other fluids. Colon cancer usually begins as a type of growth known as a polyp which forms in colon or rectum’s inner wall. Some polyps may develop to become cancer after some time. Diagnosing and removing polyps is used to prevent cancer. In the United Kingdom, colon cancer is 3rd most common type of cancer for women and men. However, deaths associated with the cancer have been decreasing after the use of colonoscopies as well as fecal occult blood tests which are used to check for the presence of blood in people’s
There are about 35,000 new cases each year in the UK. More than 80% of
In The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allen Poe, Montressor is able to successfully manipulate Fortunato 's arrogance and pride and use it against him as revenge. Montressor knows that Fortunato has a love for wine. Montressor tells Fortunato that he may have acquired Amontillado, a very nice wine. Montressor is not quite sure if the wine is Amontillado, but since Fotunato appears to be occupied Montressor says he will ask Luchesi instead. Fortunato believes his taste for wine is far superior than Luchesi 's, thus does not pass up the opportunity. Another way Montressor successfully manipulates Fortunato 's arrogance and pride against him is when Montressor brings up Fortunato 's health. Fortunato has a bad cough and Montressor believes the catacombs are making it worse. Montressor says they can leave the catacombs and he will have Luchesi taste the wine instead. Again, since Fotunato believes his taste for wine is superior to Luchesi 's, he does not pass up the opportunity. This arrogance and pride later results in Fortunato 's death.
Since prevention is the most significant cancer preventing tool, it is essential that cancer be discovered as soon as possible prior to infecting the whole body. The symptoms of cancer will depend based on the location, size, and how greatly it influences the organs or tissues. If a cancer cell has extended over large area of the body, then symptoms will definitely appear in various parts of the body. When a cancer
Sorry to say, some colon cancers might be present without any signs or symptoms. For this reason, it is very important to have regular colon screenings or (examinations) to detect these problems early. The best screening evaluation is a colonoscopy. On the other hand, most colon cancers are connected with signs or symptoms. One of the early signs of colon cancer is bleeding. Most of the time , tumors often bleed only small amounts, off and on, so that evidence of the blood is found only during chemical testing of the stool, which is called a fecal occult blood test. Other signs and symptoms include:
A colonoscopy isn't the only colon cancer test you can have, but it is often recommended. The advantage of this test is your doctor can look for growths and remove them at the same
Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the lining of the rectum and colon, also known as the large bowel. The inflammation may be taking place in the whole colon consisting of the pancolitis and ulcerative proctisis or perhaps somewhere in between the two. Ulcers form were inflammation has killed the cells that usually line the colon, then
Horror writers make suspense in many different ways. The way that they explain in the books makes us the readers very focus on the book without wanting to stop reading. They write some really creepy and interesting myths and that is how they use suspense. All good horror movies make a great deal of suspense. “It was the man I had been drawing, whose portrait lay in my pocket.
Cancer is listed as the second most common cause of death in western countries; particularly, in adults. Though it has a long antiquity, its prevalence and incidence today is pervasive and the war on cancer has not been promising. Malignant neoplasia is characterized by uncontrolled growth and the ability to metastasize or spread from the original site. Cancer results from mutations that promote cell proliferation and inhibit cell adhesion (metastasis). According to the National Cancer Institute (2016), “Cancer can also spread regionally,
Most of the symptoms of stomach cancer can be signs of other health issues and usually are not stomach cancer though. There is no way to tell if you have stomach cancer but if you have any of these symptoms you should go to the doctor as soon as possibly just to be sure.
Department of Human Resource Studies, Tilburg University, LE Tilburg, The Netherlands Available online: 30 Mar 2011
It is called malignant because not only can it invade into adjacent organs but unfortunately a cancer can spread to other tissues and that can be life threatening. Cancer can actually occur anywhere in the body because there are cells everywhere in the body. In women, one of the most common cancers of course is breast cancer, in men prostate cancer and in men and women, lung cancer and colon cancer are common cancers. It is important to understand that the cancer that occurs in one individual is very different from the cancer that occurs in another. Everyone is different; a lung tumor in one person will be different from a lung tumor in another person. Once a diagnosis of cancer is made, the next obvious question is what do you do? There are several things that are really relevant, for example, the stage of the cancer which is information about where is the cancer? You say it’s a particular kind of cancer? How much cancer is present? Has is spread? Is it in lymph nodes? Has it spread to other organs of the body? Cancer affects everyone in one way or another. Whether it is a family member, loved one or ourselves, cancer has touched our lives.
When these symptoms appear it is actually a little bit late. Screening test is recommended, it is more accurate. Also, medical history and physical exam is needed. Doctors may want to take a complete medical history to check for symptoms and risk factors, including your family history (American cancer society, 2014). For physical exam, doctors will carefully feel your pelvic area for unusual tumor or enlarged organs. Also, they may test your stool to see if it contains occult blood. (American Cancer Society, 2014) Blood test can determine colorectal cancer too. There are few test that doctors might order. One of the test is CBC which is stand for complete blood count, use this to see if you have anemia. Anemia is due to long time bleeding from the tumor. When you take the blood test, you can also test the colorectal cancer cells called tumor makers which can be found in the bloodstream. This blood test usually use for those who were treated for colorectal cancer or who have been already diagnosed with colorectal cancer. (American Cancer Society, 2014) It can help people to know whether the treatment is successful or to warn cancer has