
Essay On Colon Cancer

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What is Colon Cancer?
Breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer are the most frequently diagnosed cancers in the US. They affect millions of people worldwide and are responsible for a staggering number of deaths as a consequence. Cancer occurs due to the malfunctioning of the cell division process. Usually, this is a smooth procedure and is needed for the growth and repair of tissues, however when uncontrolled and rapid, it can lead to the formation of abnormal tissue. This abnormal tissue is known as a tumor, the tumors that are cancerous in nature are called ‘malignant’. Cancerous tumors are so deadly because they have the ability to spread and grow within one area of the body and (through metastasis) also spread through the bloodstream or lymph system, causing the …show more content…

Colorectal cancer refers to cancer that has affected both the colon and the rectum areas of the body. The colon is involved in the absorption of nutrients and water from food and the rectum is the storage and passageway through which waste is removed from the body. Colon cancer tends to originate from the formation of tumors against the walls of the bowels or on polyps that are present in the colon. These polyps can be present without being cancerous, so having bowel polyps is not necessarily a sign of having colon cancer.
What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer?
Depending on the positioning or stage of the disease, the symptoms for colon cancer will vary. Typically, tell-tale signs are blood being passed out in urine or stools, difficulty or pain when passing out waste and deep pains from the bowel region. Changes in bowel movements and visits to the toilet may occur, as well as abdominal pains or cramps. Due to the location of the tumor, bowel cancer may not always display these symptoms as obviously as some cancers and disease do. This can make the detection of colon cancer incredibly difficult.
What are the risk factors for developing colon

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