
Essay On Danzy Senna's Caucasia

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TThroughout the history of the United States, race has been embedded in society. Caucasia is a novel about two sisters, Birdie and Cole, growing up in the city of Boston, Massachusetts during the time of racial conflicts. Birdie and Cole are the children of an interracial couple. Thier parents split up later on which adds on to the challenge of everyday life because they are trying to find their true identity and race. Michael Omi and Howard Winant believe that race has multiple definitions depending a person’s economic status, social status, and political interests (Omi and Winant 2). Senna displays these topics during the novel through the main characters Birdie and Cole Lee. Omi and Winant’s key concepts of “racial etiquette” (4), “Racial categories”(2-3) “passing” (3), are shown in Danzy Senna’s novel Caucasia while she validates that race can create problems within society.
One of the main concepts throughout the entire novel is racial etiquette. Racial etiquette is defined as how society perceives a certain race to behave and act (4). …show more content…

She says, “I stood many nights in front of the bathroom mirror, practicing how to say “nigger”… dropping the “er” so that it became not a slur, but a term of endearment: “nigga” (Senna 63). This relates to Omi and Winant’s theory of racial etiquette because Birdie is being forced to change how she has to acts. This creates an issues for Birdie because when she says the word “nigga” she has to make sure she does not put the “er” on the end because certain people take offense to that word. Birdie practices these words have different meanings for different people. To blacks the term “nigger” is consider a racial slur, where “nigga” is considered slang. For whites both terms are viewed as racial slurs. It’s important that she acts like this due to the reason being that she wants to change to fit the black racial

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