
Essay On Delinquency In Chicago

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The established in 1920, the University of Chicago Department of Sociology engaged in a study of Chicago neighborhoods to discover the relationship between crime rates and the demographics/characteristics of the neighborhoods studied. The research model used, based on that of ecology, attempted to studies the similarity between individuals and their relationships/actions in society (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). Ernest Burgess states that as cities grow/expand they form concentric circles through processes identified as invasion- entrance of outside ethnic or cultural groups; dominance- taking over the predominant culture of the area by an outside group; and succession- the succession of a prominent group by another (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The study …show more content…

Based on these findings, the conclusion that factors within the environment affected the behavior of the delinquents, citing (1) the absence or lack of controls for delinquents; (2) The behaviors are often condoned/ sanctioned by parents or other adults in the neighborhood; (3) the readily availability of opportunities to commit such unacceptable behaviors; and (4) lack of motivation, training, or opportunity for gainful employment (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). Further, Shaw found that these activities began at an early age in males, instilled in them as games and other recreational activities. Here it is determined that “normal methods of official social control could not stop this process and that it was only later in a delinquent career that a boy identified himself with the criminal world” (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). Thus, as Shaw perceived delinquency as a result of social disorganization, he believed the use of individualized treatment would not be effective in reducing the delinquency

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