
Essay On Determinism

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Ever since the beginning of time one of the biggest debates of time was Free Will or Determinism. With Determinism people are looking from the outside in, and with Free Will people are looking inside out. Is the world based on everyone and everything having Free Will, or is everything that happen determined to happen? I am a determinist, I believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason, caused by events that have happen in the past. I am going to give you three examples of historical events that show Determinism is present in society, and always has been present. Major court cases in the U.S. like Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education, and Brown v. Board of Education 2 caused the Civil Rights Movement. WW2 Caused The Cold War. The great depression caused The New Deal, and FDR.

The court cases of Plessy v. Ferguson, and Brown v. Board of Education, and Brown v. Board of Education 2 caused the Civil Rights Movement. The plessy v. Ferguson court case resulted in the court ruling that “Separate but equal” was constitutional. This caused a lot of people to be very upset. The next major court case Brown v. Board of Education, several years later resulted in the “Separate but equal” was not constitutional, and that it had no place. Brown …show more content…

Even though The United States and the USSR were allies in WW2, there was much tension between the two countries after the war. The United States knew throughout the entire war that the USSR was a communist country, and The United States was very scared of a communism, and was in fear that the USSR could partake in a communist takeover. The USSR knew that America had an atomic bomb, and they were in great fear that they would use the bomb on their country. America held nuclear secrets from the USSR in particular, and this made the USSR even more scared that the United States would use a nuclear bomb on

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