
Essay On Disney Influence On Children

Decent Essays

You have probably heard it before how Disney Channel and Nickelodeon are “ruining my child!” or poisoning their brains! But there is some truth to these statements. It is evident when watching kid’s television shows that there is a stereotypical relationship between the parents and children. If there is any parental guidance at all they are seen as idiotic buffoons and don’t receive any respect from their children. Whereas the children, or more likely teenagers strive to conform and become popular. Never being reprimanded when disrespecting authority instead we hear audience laughter. Making a comment about how ugly the principle is, cue the laughter, running away from the “nerdy kid”, and again cue the laughter. Today the shows are all about getting the laugh, but at the cost of being rude. They have free reign over the respective homes because there seems to be a lack of parental guidance. There is never a voice of reason to make boundaries for the characters. When parents do show up they are stupid and had no clue what their children were up to. Children are watching these shows daily, enthralled. Children watching these shows watch these shows under the perception that these shows are reality. Without that real understanding that Disney and Nickelodeon isn’t …show more content…

Teaching kids vital lessons about growing up, such as the social and academic hardships that everyone encounters while growing up. While watching children where unknowingly taught to be decent human beings. Unfortunately, that age of shows has been replaced. The problem is not there absences, but that their replacement are instilling false perception on life. The difference between this generation’s Disney Channel and the nineties is the important plot twist that is in most if not all of their series. Where the characters get away with ‘it, as opposed to when they did

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