Donald Trump once said “It's always good to be underestimated”. Donald Trump is an underdog in this election. Every news station is against him, people hate the guy! But what people don’t know is underneath all the media slander, he is a great and genuine man. Donald Trump would make a fantastic Commander In Chief. Now let’s get some background on the business side of Donald. Donald has ran many successful businesses. One of his businesses is the Trump Organization. The Trump Organization is by far the best business Trump owns. The Trump Organization has over 500 subsidiaries and 264 have his name on them! Out of these 500 subsidiaries, 15 of them are golf courses that Trump owns (Moore). In the past year Trump has raked in at least $176.4 …show more content…
To start off, Donald says that if you have a concealed carry permit you should be able to use that permit in all 50 states (Trump). If you are able to use a drivers’ license in all 50 states, why can’t people use a concealed carry permit in all 50 states? It would save more lives and prevent innocent people from dying. Next, Trump wants to fix background checks. Background checks take too long so we need to fix the system to make background checks faster and more effective. Making background checks faster and more effective would help get guns to law-abiding citizens faster, thus being able for them to protect themselves faster. To build on to that, Trump also wants to fix the broken mental health system. Law abiding citizens are being blamed for shootings caused by mentally sick people. We have to fix the system so law-abiding citizens aren’t blamed for this and so we lower the amount of shootings that can happen (Trump). Finally, law-abiding citizens should have the right to own the firearm of their choice without restrictions (Trump). Law-abiding citizens do nothing wrong, so why punish them by not allowing them to own the firearm of their choice. There’s no reason that a citizen should not be able to own a high-capacity magazine. Altogether, Trump being against gun control means he is for the
Although Donald did not create most of his businesses, he was able to promote the system and self market his ideas, such as buying football teams, hotels, casinos, beauty pageants, television shows, fashion lines and many
As a businessman he owns more than two. Trump owns a real Estate, Hotels, Golf Courses, and Casinos. He had sold some of the most expensive houses in America. He owns 17 different Golf Courses. You can find his hotels in Illinois, Nevada, Florida, New York, and Hawaii. He managed a climb back from a 900 million det and reached 2 billion. He also developed a Eastern Airline in 1989.
In response to the widely unexpected and controversial election of Donald Trump the University of Maryland’s Government and Politics department hosted a panel to help staff and students understand how this happened. Additionally the panel hosts each spoke of what will happen to our government in terms of foreign and domestic policy. Each panel host had a different perspective on the matter and it made to be a very interesting discussion filled with a diverse set of opinions on how Donald Trump got elected and what it all means going forward. The speakers for the event were Irwin Morris, David Karol, Antoine Banks, Liliana Mason, Stella Rouse, Vadimir Tismaneanu, and Karol Soltan. Though there were many speakers at the event each person had a brief time to speak on the matter at hand and present their own analysis on the election.
Trump speaks his mind and he scares people, Donald can be a good president because his success can help our country grow, he plans to change this country for the better. You see him everywhere, you hear his name all the time. He is a wealthy businessman who has decided to run for president. Trump has 7.7 million twitter followers and one of the most known people in the country.
Thomas Kerr is an Associate Professor of Art and Design at St.Johns University located in Queens, New York. Kerr was born August 30th, 1962 in Calgary, Alberta Canada. He is a graduate of the Alberta College of Art and Design. He went on to get his masters in visual jounalism from the School of Visual Arts. Kerr has also been published in every major news paper in the United States, from the New York Times to the L.A Times. He has also had his work shown and baught in dozens of gallories around the world. Here at FSU we were given the opertuniy to hear him speak and take a look at some of his pieces. He is definantly a talented and gifted artist. During my walk around the gallery I was able to take plenty of pictures
George W. Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut on July 6, 1946. Just like other presidents, he had his good times and his bad times. He was the forty-third president of The United States. Because of those who had preceded him in The Oval Office, he understood the importance of being the Commander in Chief. In all of the events that happened during his presidency he never gave up on his country (Biography; Gale: Vol 21).
In the last decade, “Character doesn’t matter,” was a popular presidential campaign. This was probably meant to give the misconception that a person’s character shouldn’t matter as long as the person gets the job done. Even though getting the job done is important, characteristics play an enormous role in how the job gets done and the effects that come after the job is accomplished.
Social class is someone’s reputation in society based on their economic status. Society also defines someone’s intelligence with the level of education he/she received. Someone from a higher social class is more likely to have the means to attend a more prestigious school, and is therefore more likely to receive a higher education. Donald Trump, who is now a multi-billionaire business man, had received money from his father at a younger age to start his own company. Even though he attended many prestigious institutions, his degree would not matter when it came to his wealth and fortune. Trump is now running for forty-fifth president of the United States this election year. Many Americans are criticizing Donald Trump for not presenting clear and sophisticated knowledge for American policies. However, Donald Trump has been known to be one of the most successful business man in the entire world. He also attended some prestigious institutions, has authored fifteen bestseller books, and has been recognized by multiple magazines and publishers. All of these awards and accomplishments have deemed him to be “intelligent” and “wise” to society. Even though Trump cannot give a simple answer to a simple question about an American issue today, he still has billions of dollars and will still have his company to work on. This proves that the higher someone is on the social class podium, the more intelligent they will be portrayed by society.
In conclusion, Donald Trump is both charismatic and holds himself in high esteem, he is eager to explain how exceptionally well he did in the election and does this in great length in his speeches. He even has a framed map of the 2016 election results displayed in the White House (Lozada, 2017). In his recent speech in Poland, Trump made reference to the ‘West’ ten times. Beinart (2017) argues that in this context the West is not a geographical term, but a racial and religious one. Trump is unlike his predecessors, who acknowledged that democracy and capitalism were not Western, but the universal aspiration of humankind. Previous leaders of the US discussed globalisation as a process where America improved the world. However, Trump describes globalisation as a process by which the world cheats, weakens and threatens America. His words, ‘The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive’ (Trump, 2017), only makes sense if non-white, non-Christians are seen as invaders. Thus, this implies that anyone in America who is non-white and non-Christian is a threat. Trump, by describing that being Western is the essence to the US’s identity, is defining the US to be in opposition to many of its own people.
President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, now an Executive order, has been the topic of controversy since the order was signed on January 27th, 2017 ( An improved order was again signed on March 6, 2017 ( However, a case in the Supreme Court of USA will determine the future of the ban, which runs between October 2nd and December 21st ( The first executive order banned people from seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya from entering the United States for a period of 90 days. It also put a halt on refugee resettlement for 120 days and banned Syrian refugees permanently (Park). However, as per the revised executive order issued on March 6th, Iraq was removed from the list and the
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. He was an assertive child so his parents sent him to a military academy for high school. They hoped that his education there would also discipline him to make him a better child/person. He furthered his education by studying economics at Wharton College at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1971, after he finished college, he took over his father’s real estate company. He renamed the company the Trump Organization. As he was very involved in economics, he would buy many pieces of land and create buildings, mostly in the Manhattan area. Often times, Trump’s business methods and actions have been called into question. For example, in 1973, he was called into question because some of his tenants complained about discrimination towards them by Donald. Another scandal that he has been brought into are the numerous allegations that women have brought up saying that Donald sexually assaulted them, among other inappropriate actions. He married Melania Knauss, his now third and current wife, in 2005. He currently has 5 kids throughout his three wives On June 16, 2015, Trump announced he was running for president. Some policies that are linked to Trump is creating a wall between the United States and Mexico and he often emphasizes deporting Muslims. His policies are often scrutinized for being overly aggressive and unnecessary, linking back to his bias and character. In May 2016, Trump was called the
According to Ted Cruz, a US Senator, “What I think is two things, number one, that restricting the right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional. The Second Amendment is an integral part of the Bill of Rights. And what it means is, politicians cannot come and strip the guns from law-abiding Americans. But, number two, it's misguided policy. If you look at the jurisdictions with the strictest gun control laws, almost without exception, they have the highest crime rates and the highest murder rates. If you look at the jurisdictions that most vigorously protect our right to keep and bear arms, almost without exception, they have the lowest crime rates and the lowest murder rates. Gun control policies don't work. And they're contrary to the Constitution." This quote basically states that the areas that have more gun control are more violent and have a higher crime and murder rates. Whereas the areas with less gun control have a lower crime rate. This quote also states that it’s unconstitutional to take away the law abiding citizens’ guns. To conclude, I believe that more gun control would be unconstitutional and would cause their to be a higher crime
To begin with, Donald Trump states that the American government gun control is a total failure. Imagine a place where they restrict your freedom of owning a weapon to protect yourself. This horrible place is real and it’s called the United States. The United States has argued the subject of gun control for years because their current system is obviously not working. Not only do they restrict law abiding citizens from gaining weapons, The United States does little to stop criminals and the mentally ill from using these weapons to hurt the innocent. Donald Trump knows how to solve these problems in America. Donald Trump states that The United States needs to fix our broken mental health system, defend the rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners and create harsher programs to punish violent criminals.
George Walker Bush is the son of the 41st President George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush. Born on July 6, 1946, Bush was raised in Houston, Texas and was the oldest of four children. Bush finished his high school years at Phillips Academy, which was an all-male boarding school in Andover, Massachusetts, where he was the head cheerleader during his senior year. Bush went to college at Yale University from 1964 till his graduation in 1968 where he finished with a Bachelor’s degree in history. In the fall of 1973, Bush attended the Harvard Business School, where he earned an MBA. He is the only US President to have earned an MBA. He also is the first US President to get into office with a criminal record, as he had multiple
Will Donald Trump fulfill America’s request and actually “make America great again”? When friends of mine who are Trump supporters inform me that they support him, I don’t understand the reasons why they picture him as our future president of the united states. Donald Trump has never been an elected official. He has never been elected into an office of any kind. He’s never had to broker political compromise or gave any political speeches prior to him running for president. With no experience in politics at all, why would people think he’d make a good president? Sure, Donald Trump is a barefaced self-promoter and experienced businessman. But people don’t realize all of the mistakes he has made as a businessman. Washington, D.C., is not a type of Wall Street or anything for him to lose money or make some reckless decisions that would put our country into a deeper hole that we are already into, and also getting multiple things done within the nation’s capital takes more than a huge personality and a strong will. If Donald Trump is elected to be our president, he’ll have to quickly learn how to deal with his Democratic associates in the House of Representatives and Senate. He’ll also have to get used to the pace of government because there are moments when things can accelerate pretty quickly and also where things can move extremely slow at times. He’ll also have to get used to giving speeches on topics he may not be interested in, especially when it comes to conversations