
Essay On Donald Trump Wall

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President Donald Trump has pushed for the construction of a wall on the Mexican border throughout his whole Presidential campaign. Many people have very drastic views on this initiative, as it it can be argued whether it can be justified. Trump’s reasoning for building this wall would be to keep out “undesirables” from Mexico, which is unacceptable. There are many factors to consider when debating whether Trump’s initiative is valid such as, its effect on the economy and the ethical implications. Constructing a wall will cost taxpayers lots of money. It would go toward employing people and purchasing the materials required. Employing a lot of people will definitely help the economy, however, this will only last for a short amount of time. After the wall is completed the people that worked on it will need to seek out new jobs. In addition to this we will need to spend money to maintain the wall which is more un-needed expense. The wall may help prevent more …show more content…

This is a logical assertion, the United states has systems in place for people entering the country, which is well within reason. These systems are designed to prevent people with health problems (diseases) and people who engage in illegal business from entering. However, this system makes it very difficult to immigrate and forces people to immigrate illegally as a result. These people entering illegally aren’t technically justified but, a large portion of people entering illegally are productive members of society and seeking better lives. The quality of life in the United States is much higher in comparison to Mexico, there’s lots of crime and corruption within the country so it’s understandable as to why people would enter illegally. Building the is a sign of xenophobia; we as a society should welcome immigrants because our country is comprised of

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