The hour and a half ridged drive up has never felt so long. My dad anxiously cruised from lane to lane. Perspiration running through his hands, the air was also filled with nervousness from him, my mom, and my sister, Tayler, as I bared my pain. I try not to show too much. My stomach had taken over doing uncontrollable convulsions, no one knew what was going wrong. Pulling up to the covered sliding glass entrance door, I slipped out of the car. Walking slowly, I went to the front desk. The tall blonde woman, with the look of sleep deprivation on her face, asked my mother in her soft voice questions about me. My mom, still shaking with nerves, answered them all completely for the receptionist. Standing there, a variety of emotions …show more content…
Grabbing his hurt arm, the mother sternly says to stop his whining. This only made the boy cry more. Trying to protect his brother, the girl tried to distract the mother so she would lose her grip on his brittle arm. She succeeded. After some time the mother had just had enough of the girl, she grabbed her thin arm to drag her into the bathroom. From where I was sitting with my family, I could hear her yelling at her daughter and crying. Finally, I hear a loud slap. They came out from the bathroom and left the building with frustration, sadness, and fear.
Sitting across from us now, was a tall dark skinned mom and her son about six years old. The stubble haired boy sat there with tears pouring out nonstop. Crying, he whined about his white bandaged cut up bloody finger. The mother was on the phone the whole time and paid little attention to him, so he just cried more and more. Eventually, he stopped and calmed himself with the distraction of the black television above me. When the mother got off the phone, she took his finger and tried to rewrap it. It may seem like a nice thing to do, but she kept squeezing it and aggressively wrapping it as she glanced over her shoulder to see if the receptionist would do something about her son. He cried an extreme amount, but when the receptionist did nothing she told her son they would come back tomorrow. Finally, they walked quickly out of the building. Now with
Nevertheless, the caucus is a system of voting for people who wish casting a ballot could be three hours longer and include being lectured to by rambling “leaders”. If you’re a Trump supporter, you will enjoy listening to his babbling speeches about his flawless immigration solution: building a wall. Instead of the traditional voting system, where ballots are scribbled on with dried-out pens, Iowans must attend local public meetings and participate in an hours-long process to choose their preferred candidate. The best part is, none of these votes really matter, but the media will make a huge deal out of the results! Whoever comes out on top of the polls will be praised, and whoever doesn’t will be said to have suffered a disappointing loss.
In life, many people participate in various daily events and activities that help them enjoy being who they are. People may enjoy getting together with friends, going to the mall, going to an amusement park or simply finding relaxation in nature. However, a big part of everyone’s life is of course eating and many people find pleasure in doing so. Eating is a very enjoyable and delectable must for everyone but should be done so, like everything in life, in a smart and intelligent way. Being smart and perceptive when eating is a large part of nutrition.
Laurens face is still featureless. Mary is scrambling all over the house looking for her purse and keys. Mary finally finds her keys and purse. Mary puts Lauren in the car and takes her to the hospital. Lauren has no panic look on her face at all. After driving almost an hour over the speed limit to get to the hospital, they were there. Lauren and Mary walked into the hospital and told the lady at the counter what she saw her daughter do. The lady took Lauren into urgent care, with Mary runny behind them. Right when they went into a closed off room their were 2 doctors and 1 nurse ready for Lauren's hand. Mary stood outside worried to death about Lauren. When Lauren came in the professionals were astonished to see what she has done to her hand.
In “The Pleasures of Eating” Wendell Berry wants the reader to recognize that eating is a cultural act. He believes we are eaters not consumers and that we should have more knowledge about the food we eat. Berry wants the reader to questions where the food is coming from, what condition is it produced in and what chemicals may it contains. He has found that the food industries blind us to what we are consuming and the effect it has on us. At last Berry believes that we must eat responsibly to live free.
This article gives a basic definition of bulimia, which states that it is the act of binge eating and then purging in a n effort to prevent weight gain. It also says that the physiological thinking behind this disorder has yet to be discovered. Over al the article and its context seem to be reliable it often refers to research and experiments that have been
The protagonist sits down on the empty seat next to the crying lady. He looked over at the crying lady. Slowly cause he didn’t want anyone to see him looking. The boy who sat over at the other side with his girlfriend, looked at him as he would beat the crap out og him I he didn.t do anything. The protagonist started slowly to turn. First he turned his feet, after his stomach and then his head. Have you ever seen a turtle walking at its slowest? Well the head of the protagonist moved so slow that a turtle race would have gone faster. When the scared heavy face finally had turned over to the side where the crying girl sat moping in her hands, he finally did what no one else did. He asked. Are you all right? anything I can do? After some time,
An eating disorder is an illness that involves an unhealthy feeling about the food we eat. “Eating disorders affect 5-10 millions Americans and 70 million individuals worldwide” ( 1). They also affect many people from women, men, children, from all ages and different races. People who have eating disorders usually see themselves as being fat when they really aren’t. This usually deals with women or teenage girls mostly. They watch television, movies, read articles in magazines, and see pictures of the celebrities whom they want to be like because they have the “ideal body” that everyone wants and craves for. The media makes us all think we need those types of bodies to be happy with ourselves, be more successful
During the first week of class, four readings were assigned. One of the readings, “Food and Eating: Some Persisting Questions,” by Sidney Mintz, discusses the paradoxes of food. Although food seems like a straightforward concept, it is actually extremely complicated. According to Mintz, there are five paradoxes, including: the importance of food to one’s survival, yet we take it for granted, how people stick to their foodways, but are willing to change, whether the government should allow people to freely choose food or if they should protect the people through regulations, the difference in food meanings according to gender, and the morality of eating certain foods. All of these paradoxes give people questions to think about, making this an extremely philosophical look at food studies. It also mentions that food must be viewed through the cultural context that it is in, which became important in “The Old and New World Exchange”, by Mintz, and “Maize as a Culinary Mystery”, by Stanley Brandes. These discuss the diffusion of foods after 1492 in different ways. The Mintz reading gives an overview of all of the foods spread from the Americas to the Old World, and vice-a-versa, but does not go terribly in depth on the social changes and effects of specific foods. Brandes focuses on the cultural impact of specifically maize on the European diet, noticing that most Western Europeans shunned it. He studies the cultural implications of this, concluding that maize was not accepted
attractive and the media reinforces this statement." Young adolescent girls buy into this sensation and through doing so, set themselves up for failure. When these predisposing factors are combined with stressors and pressures, the cycle is begun and an eating disorder is formed.
Thursday, September 6th, a little girl ”M“ comes to daycare in the morning a little bit late, at 10:15am. When she arrived her classmates were about to have a snack and she was very excited to see everybody. “M” gave her teacher a hug with her two arms. Then she turns to her mom and says: “Bye, Mommy!” and ran to the classroom. “M” was trying to grab the chair with her left hand to sit down and have a snack with her friends. 3 boys and 2 girls were sitting at the same round table. After trying twice to get a chair, she decided to use both hands to pull the chair out. “M” walked around the chair, bent down her knees and pulled the chair under her as she sat. She slowly sat down in the
It is indeed true that the quality of food that you take in will do a
The phone rang again. Hoping for good news, yet again I was disappointed. It was my mom; she said she was following our pastor to my grandmother’s house. She said, “We are going to tell Grandma he’s gone”. I knew this would be one of the hardest things to do; it was her birthday after all. The three of us jumped in the car. We drove up to Grandma’s house. I remember Tosha running into the house and falling into her arms. Everyone tried to pull themselves together, but how could this be? This had never happened to us before. The wheel was broken.
Unhealthy eating habits have played a major part in the obesity epidemic in the United States. Most people think that along with exercising you have to eat only salads and healthy things like that. But what some fell to realize you can eat baked foods and other things, you just have to have small portions to go along with that. You can’t have 2-3 plates like you would normally eat, you can have up to 1 plate (as I would say).
Staying healthy and eating right is a lifestyle that many people should consider. A juicy hamburger from McDonalds dripping with special sauce topped with cheese is not exactly considered a healthy meal. Our society today is busy and on the go at all times. It is so much easier to stop and get fast food and then continue on. However, we should stop and think; is it really worth it to not eat right and exercise?
How does healthy eating affect your life? Many people really pay attention to the food they put in their bodies, until we get sick and need medical attention. I know that many of us love to eat fast food, but it catches up with us in the long run. While eating healthy would stop you from getting sick, and lower the cost of health care, healthy eating can enrich your body and prevent you from getting high doctor bills.