
Essay On Electroconvulsive Therapy

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Electroconvulsive Therapy Poster

Electroconvulsive therapy or also known as ECT are electric current or shocks firing in the human brain to cause a small seizure. The seizure can affect or change the brain activity into a positive way; it can reduce the symptoms of the illness the patient might be experiencing. ECT is usually used as a last resort of treatment for most people, because there’s a risk the treatment might not work or it causes severe side effects. For this reason, the treatment is only for people who have severe mental illnesses and that are nonresponsive to pharmacotherapy or psychoanalytic therapy.

Why ECT Performed?
ECT can only help those with severe illness:
• Nonresponsive to antidepressant
• Severe depression
• Severe mania
• Aggression in people with dementia
• Are suicidal
• Sever bipolar disorder


ECT only helps patient with severe …show more content…

Before the procedure,
• an IV will be placed for anesthesia to minimize seizures and other medications
• a physical exam to check heart and lungs
• health care professionals will place electrode pads on the side of the head. During the procedure, patient are asleep as the electric current fires to the brain allowing a seizure to last 60 seconds. The seizure will change the brain activity into a positive way; it will reduce or help patient with mental illness.

Improvements depends on the patient’s symptoms (illness), but the majority begin noticing improvements about six treatment of electroconvulsive therapy. Although researchers have not found how ECT helps treat severe mental illnesses, researchers found that after the seizure brain function changes to reduce metal illnesses symptoms. As we know ECT is use to reduce severe mental symptoms, in a study they founded it’s more useful to those that are nonresponsive to pharmacotherapy (the use of medications).

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