From Passion to Paper: Emotional Support Animal
I live on campus, in the Commons, and I have a puppy! Because students with physical or mental disabilities are allowed to have an emotional support animal, my puppy is allowed to live with me on campus. Emotional support animals are an amazing and beneficial accommodation to people with disabilities, but they could be just as helpful to regular students as well. All students living on college campuses should be allowed, if they choose, to have an animal because of the emotional support, responsibility, and health benefits that pets provide.
As a student who struggles with depression and anxiety, I know how helpful to my emotional health my puppy is to me, but students with disabilities are not the only ones who could benefit from a pet. College student often have a good bit of stress because of their classes, relationships, and/or jobs. Numerous studies have found that animals are great at reducing stress and aiding in the relaxation of their owner (Casciotti & Zuckerman, 2016). Another problem many students may have at times is feelings of seclusion.
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A common concern is the damage that a pet may pose on the student’s room and belongings. While this is a legitimate worry, as some pets do make a mess, it is solely the students responsibility to minimize and pay for any damage that the animal may do. Because of this, the school would never have to worry about the expenses that would come with damage to the property. Another concern is that pets may be a distraction to students while they are studying or trying to do homework. As an owner of a puppy, I do understand this concern, however, it is much easier that you would think. There are many things, such as toys and treats, that can distract a puppy and allow its owner to work without problems. If all else fails, a crate with a comfy bed will keep the puppy out of the
If you are in the US, you may have heard of emotional support animal or ESA. An emotional support animal works like a companion animal for people and patients, with the intention of offering therapeutic benefits. Although not always compulsory, such animals are either dogs or cats, working with people, providing relief and support for psychological symptoms or emotional stress. Check some of the basic facts you need to know before getting ESA certificate.
All dogs will have the required shots, licenses, and tags to avoid any sickness or problems. It is also required that the dog is already housebroken to avoid accidents inside the office. Our company will provide a pet waste station with bags and garbage can outdoors so that owners can easily clean up after their pet. There are set aside pet-free areas such as cafeterias, conference rooms, and restrooms as well.
In the first place we should have classroom pets, because it is educational. In the article Benefits of Classroom Pets it emphasizes, “A pet brings brings increased sensitivity and awareness of the feelings and needs for others - both animals and humans.” The author goes on to say, “Observing and caring for an animal instills a sense of responsibility and respect for life.” This
method of therapy Thrive horticultural therapists build a set of activities for each gardener to improve their particular health needs, this type of therapy benefits people by helping them recover and find their way again, learn new skills, and slow down degenerative illness of the mind to some degree, Nature arts and crafts, art activities using natural materials such as wood, glass, and clay. Clay and wood being the two most commonly used due to their easy workability, Animal assisted therapy (AAT), Animal assisted interventions (AAI), and Care Farming are three types of animal assisted therapy. This type of therapy is usually for children who have been diagnosed with physical, emotional, social or learning disabilities. “Therapy provided through tasks and activities necessary to run farms, gardens, landscapes or ranches is not by any means new to this millennium's repertoire of interventions for children.”(, Wilderness therapy, is “cognitive behavioral therapy to combat negative thinking, journaling to help shed light on depression and anxiety, and group activities to overcome social phobia and develop greater self-confidence, to name a few.”( this type of therapy has been around since 1886 but it wasn’t considered therapy
Often, anxiety disorders, depression, agoraphobia, and other emotional impairments are treated with medication and extensive counseling. Those suffering physical, mental, sensory, and intellectual disabilities commonly are treated with service animals. Individuals with a psychiatric disability, by the ADA, do not qualify for service dogs, even if they come with several benefits. I believe that anybody suffering any kind of disability, provided they are diagnosed with a severe case, should qualify for a service animal. They encourage getting out of the house, could potentially decrease the number of number of suicides, and defeat the long-term effects of antidepressants.
Do animals feel joy, love, fear, anguish or despair? What ere emotions, and perhaps more importantly, how do scientists prove animals are capable of emotion? Sea lion mothers have often been seen wailing painfully and squealing eerily as they watch their babies being eaten by killer whales. Buffaloes have also been observed sliding playfully across ice, excitedly screaming “Gwaaa.” Emotions are defined broadly as psychological phenomena that help in behavioral management and control. This is a challenging question to researchers who are trying to determine the answer to this question. Through current research by close observation combined with neurobiological research, evidence that animals exhibit fear, joy
Deciding whether or not I should agree with dogs being allowed in our work place was very tricky for me. I appreciate your desire to make sure every employee feels comfortable and stress-free at work. Also, I adore dogs and would love to able to have my furry-friend alongside me all day long. However, after looking at the pro's and con's, I'd have to say I do not agree with this idea.
The first big reason why pets should be allowed in schools is because it teaches the students good skills. According to the article “Pets Enhance Learning” pets can teach kids responsibility. One way pets teach kids responsibility is by teaching the kids to perform tasks that help the animal survive. This shows that kids will learn to be able to take care of another living thing. To add on to this, it also proves that kids will be taught how to do a job from a young age which will help them when they are older. The other piece of evidence I have as to why pets in the classroom will teach kids valuable skills is because it will teach them empathy. Empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another and pets in the classroom will make kids learn this. For example, as stated in the article “Should You Have A Pet in Your Classroom?” building empathy will enhance the desire to show animals with respect. Not only does this goes towards animals its also true towards humans. Most kids who have pets are more kind and empathetic towards both humans and animals. Also this proves empathy is important to other kids is because kids who are more empathetic have a way lower chance of bullying another human. This without a doubt shows that empathy is a great thing all students should learn and the easiest way to do that is with a classroom pet. Having a classroom pet would also motivate the students.
First, owning a pet can give people some major health benefits. Without a pet, a day at work or school can be stressful. By the end of the day, people could be ripping out their hair or throwing papers everywhere. This can make anyone’s heart rate go up as well as their blood pressure. Thankfully, studies have shown that interacting with a dog or other pet can lower his or her’s cortisol levels. For instance, after only three months, a group of people working with dogs were shown to have significant drops in blood pressure and stress. Pet’s happy go lucky vibes can impact their owners to feel the same, lowering his or her’s stress level. Even when someone sees a picture of their pet when they're stressed, it can immediately cause his or her’s heart
Emotional support animals can take on a multitude of jobs that “may include reminding the handler to take medicine, providing safety checks or room searches, or turning on lights for persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, interrupting self-mutilation by persons with dissociative identity disorders, and keeping disoriented individuals from danger,” (Brennan). These animals are often considered pets but are actually so much more than that, emotional support animals have a very important role in protecting the mental health of their owners and keep them safe. Not only do these animals protect people’s mental health but they also give people a purpose. Taking care of one of these dogs or other animals gives people something to take care of and focus on. Knowing that there is another living thing that relies on them can be very grounding and keep people connected to something outside of themselves.
Why is it that we as a society condemn the actions of a man against a man but very rarely a man against an animal? I think this question must be understood if we are ever to change the rights animals have. As of yet I don't believe animals have any actual rights. Rather humans have rights that involve animals. If we are to truly allow animals to have rights the same or similar to humans then we must first define what it is that makes us feel as if they are entitled to rights.
Pet adoption brings myriad health benefits. One of these benefits is the loyal companionship of shelter animals. GAWS shelter’s acting chief executive, Mia Shaw states, “There are big positives for a person’s mental and physical wellbeing in adopting a pet – there are so many benefits to adopting a dog or cat, including companionship and friendship” (qtd. in Sum 19). These animals help human beings physically and mentally by providing another incentive to exercise, and by providing a steady companionship. These benefits could potentially save the lives of depressed people and improve the lives of incapacitated people. Inclusively, shelter animals reduce stress and other health-related issues. Rescue cat owner, Lisa Barley notes, “Not only will you benefit from the joys of a furry friend’s unconditional love, but a pet can have a positive impact on your health, from helping you stay physically active to reducing stress and lowering blood pressure” (48). Adopting a pet is much like obtaining a best friend, who will provide unconditional love and support when the person needs it the most. Furthermore, most of the shelter animals are caged for days or even months, resulting in being restricted from social environments. Consequently, these animals end up being friendlier when they are adopted and placed in a steady home, unlike the ones obtained
Imagine walking into an animal shelter, seeing the dogs and cats locked up behind bars wanting to be adopted. At an animal shelter, homeless animals are continuously looking for a home everywhere. An animal shelter in Ohio is CHA animal shelter, they are a nonprofit organization. They provide temporary care and shelter for cats and dogs and try their best to find them a loving home. Also, they provide surgery to spay or neuter the animal, and give the animal it’s required shots. Adding to, they provide an implanted microchip so the owner can track their animal if it is ever lost. CHA animal shelter has also provided a public website to view pictures of the cats and dogs and a brief background on the animal. They also have an option for donations for emergency situations, food, and supply, etc. The fact that they offer donations is remarkable because some individuals do not want to adopt a pet, but want to be apart of promoting adoption and give support to the organization. Not only does the organization try to make the pet’s life the best at the animal shelter, but CHA also hosts events to get people’s interest and gives the animals time out of the cage. I have adopted a dog from an animal shelter and it has been the best decision ever. Knowing I saved animals live brought more joy and love into my life, and nevertheless, he is the best little jack russel ever. Although I could have got a puppy from Petland, the choice of adopting a dog not only saved me money but also allowed me to save his life as well and improve his quality of life. An individual who adopts a pet is rescuing it from neglect and is giving that precise animal a second chance. In conclusion, I believe that CHA animal shelter is the best place to adopt a pet because it is less expensive than buying an animal from a pet store, it decreases puppy mills, and the individual can pick a dog or cat of any age.
There isn’t a better, more comforting feeling, than coming home after a long, hard day at work or school and being welcomed at the door with a wagging tail, wet kisses, and an excited to see you face from your dog. For many, having any sort of interaction with a pet or animal is the ultimate cure to stress that is caused by work, people, and life. While not every college student is able to have a loving pet in their lives, even a momentary encounter with any animal can lower stress and anxiety levels. Multiple studies have proven that animals are a powerful form of stress relief by not only lowering blood pressure, but also lowering a dangerous stress hormone, cortisol, which is correlated with depression and anxiety. Interactions with animals have also proven to raise oxytocin levels, which are linked to pleasure, relaxation and happiness. Lowering stress and anxiety in college students will help them academically and socially throughout their college lives. College students will experience lower stress levels, a lower level of cortisol, and live a happier stress-free life by interacting with animals or pets throughout their time in college.
Many companies, like McDonalds, lie about what actually goes on at their farms. “Free range” “Cruelty free” “Killed in a humane way” Those are just some the things that consumers are told and believe everyday. Saying thank you to the animal before munching on its flesh and bones doesn’t excuse what happens to them. The abuse and torture animals go through at factory farms isn’t fair and needs to be stopped immediately.