
Essay On European Imperialism In Africa

Decent Essays

For centuries, Europe has long tried to institute its rule and its religion in Africa. This began with the triangle trade of Europe and its colonies and Africa. Africa had tremendous natural resources which were desired by Europe, like diamonds and gold. The promise of new wealth drew European countries to invade and conquer nations in Africa, and exploit those goods. European countries had visions of Africa as being a new Europe, to be achieved by implementing Christianity through missionaries, imposing new language, and whitewashing their culture. Governments in Africa were largely organized by tribes which were very different from the European model. There was (and still is) no unified African continent. There was (and still is) a great imbalance of life for Africans as quality of life …show more content…

In the age of Imperialism, European countries sought to colonize the world. It all came crashing down as European countries became involved in conflicts and could not sustain this infrastructure. In South Africa, European ideals were held so strongly in the government that segregation was the norm long after Europe and North America had become desegregated. Africa was seen as a place to steal from, whether it was slaves, minerals, riches, or land. From the constant European intervention and inability of nations to function on their own and control their people, Africa has become a vacuum of centralized power with new puppet democracies controlled by dictators and warlords. European control was a very hands-on way of controlling every aspect of African life in the government, infrastructure, culture, technology, religion. When African countries became independent, it was a struggle to adopt their new identity Because of the overpowering European dominance in every aspect of live, Africa was deprived of the chance to learn and develop on its

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