
Essay On Federal Government In Education

Decent Essays

Federal Government in Education The State and local government is primarily responsible for funding education and determining educational policy. The federal government contributes about eight percent of the funding for education ("Federal Role in Education - US Department of Education", 2016). The federal government’s funding typically goes towards programs for children with disabilities or schools that made adequate yearly progress (AYP). The federal government needs to be more involved in education because the United States is not number one, when it comes to education. According to the U.S. News article, the United States is ranked fourth (McPhillips, 2016). In order to improve our education ranking worldwide, the federal government should be responsible for more funding to provide better programs, curriculum, and technology for schools. Money runs the world, including education. The more money spent on education, the more …show more content…

All districts should have the funding to provide a pre-school program. Now that students are expected to know more coming into Kindergarten, a pre-school program should be offered to prepare kids for school readiness. School districts should also offer a Career and Technical Education program to prepare students for future career paths. As for Special Education, school districts should have a functional education program to prepare students for their everyday lives. For example, a community based program, where students have funding to go out into the community to learn about various services and places. The program could also incorporate a café that the students could operate or a home that the students could take care of and learn home maintenance skills. By providing a variety of programs, we are preparing all students for their future lives after school, whether that be higher education, vocational education, competitive employment, or independent

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