
Essay On Figure Board Application

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As a child I dreamt of becoming a professional figure skater. My family and I made many sacrifices in striving to attain this goal. I enrolled in home school and spent many early morning hours on the road in pursuit of elusive ice time. All through elementary, junior and senior high school I pursued my dream, but despite my best efforts and the best efforts of my support people, it was not to be. I once had a favorite coach say to me “you don’t learn anything through winning but it is through losing that you learn the most”. I learned a lot. In retrospect, the important thing wasn’t landing a double axel or winning a gold medal, but having the ability to set goals, work hard, win with humility and lose with grace. Setting goals, working …show more content…

In order for occupational therapy to be successful the OT must have the skills and personality necessary to instill that same faith and trust in their clients. While shadowing an OTD, Tamera Moore, I saw the faith her students put in her. She had been seeing many of her kids for 5+ years and they gave her their complete trust. Just like my coach had inspired me to do my best, she inspired these kids to do their best. I learned intuitiveness from my coach, Ralph, as well. He understood that while physically I may be capable of doing something, mentally it wasn’t going to happen for me. He was aware when he was able to push me, even if I wanted to stop, and when it was time to call it a day. Through my shadowing and volunteering I have seen how the actions to reach ones goals manifest different with each person and how an OTR must respond and adapt to the …show more content…

Not only did I meet new and exciting people of different backgrounds but I got the chance to explore subjects I never thought I would. I found that I enjoyed furthering my education. I was pulled in every direction with all the options available, theater, sociology, and political science just to name a few. Deciding a career path was very difficult. As my graduation date neared I decided on pursuing a degree in biology. Growing up in Alaska I loved the outdoors and I thought a career as a biologist could be exciting. What I’m thankful for now is that biology left the door open for me to pursue a different path. After graduation I began exploring careers in the health field. This would combine my love of sciences with my desire to be around and help people. Through volunteering and shadowing different fields I stumbled into occupational therapy. I enjoyed the cognitive aspect of OT. I felt while the diagnosis might be the same for a patient, their history and personal goals were different or there were different ways to get to the same place. I enjoyed the direct one on one time spent with patient. Seeing the patient from start to finish of them reaching their personal goals to become more independent and happy in their

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