
Essay On Food Intake

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Reduced Vagal Nerve Sensitivity to Cholecystokinin signaling in Rats. Ndjim, M., Poinsignon, C., Parnet, P. and Le Dréan, G. (2017). Loss of Vagal Sensitivity to Cholecystokinin in Rats Born with Intrauterine Growth Retardation and Consequence on Food Intake. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 8. Context Studies show how food intake is a complex behavior, which relies on interactions between neurons in the hypothalamus, the brainstem, and in the cerebral nuclei. Specifically, the hypothalamus contains an orexigenic center and an anorexigenic center which serve to either promote or decrease feeding habits. Studies have shown that mothers who are undernourished while pregnant can disturb the hypothalamic system of offspring, resulting in an …show more content…

Additionally, water was freely available to the rats. Data was recorded from the cage over a 24 hour period and the control rats were not fed again whereas the low protein rats were refed after two hours. The experimental group of rats were fasted for 15 hours and then given food at the beginning of a dark cycle phase. Food intake was measured by weight of the food tray at 60, 90, and 150 minutes after refeeding. Simultaneously, blood was collected through the tail vein before refeeding, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 150 minutes after refeeding. Rats were then fasted for 15 hours and then were injected with either saline or CCK-8S, a traceable form of CCK, before the dark cycle and refeeding. Food intake and spillage were weighed every 30 minutes during a 90 minute section. The satiating effect of CCK-8S was tested at doses of .25, 2.5, and 7.5 nmol/kg of body weight followed by saline treatment for 3-5 days. Rats were then fasted for 15 hours and then received either CCK-8S at a dosage of .25 nmol/kg body weight or saline 5 minutes before the dark cycle and refeeding. Inhalation of carbon dioxide and cervical dislocation were methods used to kill the animals. The stomach, duodenum, ileum, and nodose ganglia were dissected and preserved for further analysis. Portal blood was collected and centrifuged with EDTA and other protease inhibitors to assay

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