
Essay On Foreign Law

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Foreign Law
Canada’s Legal System is based on the English and French systems, they base this system on common law and civil-law, also called Bijuralism. Common law is law that evolved from precedent but is not written as legislation. Civil-law is rules to be a general guidance to problems that arise, courts do look at precedent, but they first look at the rules. Canada is a federation, which means it has a federal parliament that makes laws for all of Canada, and a legislature in each provinces and territories to make laws for their areas.
With laws comes law reform, some laws may not cover specific situations, or become obsolete all together. With law reform Canada can sometimes change the system of law and even justice itself. Everyone …show more content…

Civil law is usually between people or people and the government, they usually deal with things like contracts, property, and personal injuries (also known as torts). Public law can be relevant in both criminal cases and civil cases, when a case show that the powers of the government or rights of the citizens under the constitution or a federal law is involved in the case. An example of a public law case would be a person accusing someone of revoking a constitutional right.
Disputes can sometimes be taken to court, although a large percentage is settled outside of the courtroom. When taking a case to court there are two kinds, trial courts, and appeals courts. Trial courts are where evidence is presented, witnesses are questioned, and the case is put before a judge or a judge and jury. If one of the parties is unhappy with the outcome they could appeal the case sending it to appeals court. In appeals court the appellant submits its case to a panel of judges to review the previous court’s decision to either change the previous decision or continue with the decision of the previous court. Legislation is only the beginning to the law, the judicial system is what makes the law a reality and that is the court system.
Law effects the people even if the crime is never committed by that person, although laws help to prevent crime, the laws help lead to resolutions after a crime has been committed. The

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