
Essay On Formative Assessment

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Enhancing Student Learning through Formative Assessment
Recently, whenever I hear current teachers discussing about assessing students, ‘Formative Assessment’ is sure to be highlighted. Nowadays this method (formative assessment) is becoming popular among schools and is being applied widely in schools including my own school. Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) identified in the few past decades, formative assessment has turned out to be the main goal for teachers and educational systems. On the foundation of Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) findings and from my experience in the field of teaching, I found out nowadays teachers and school stakeholders strongly feel that formative assessment is the best method to assess in order to enhance students’ learning. For these evident reasons, I am interested in finding …show more content…

Whether formative assessment is the best method to be used to assess students, can a particular method of assessing students have an impact in students’ learning, is teacher’s role in assessing students’ important for students learning and does students’ voice and formative assessment have any relation in enhancing students learning, are some questions that I want to get crystal clear answers for and look into with keen interest to find out whether students learning is enhanced through formative assessment. Hence in this essay I will be digging into, a descriptive, a critical and a reflective deep look through my own experiences, researches and theories in the related field on the questions or issues mentioned above to find out whether formative assessment in real enhances students’ learning. The main focus of this essay is the urge of finding out whether formative assessment in real enhance students learning. With the high hope of applying and practicing every little bit of information that I compile from the readings into the current practices in any correlated

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