Free Medical Treatment for the Underpaid Pet Parent How many pet parents can say they could have bought a new car with the money they have spent on medical treatment for their animal? Sadly, I can confidently raise my hand to this question. Between torn ligaments and floating kneecaps in both knees, getting hit by a car, cyst removals, being involved in dog disagreements and routine care, I have spent roughly $10,000. I have since discovered that there are plenty of credit programs available for clients with low income, but what about free medical programs? I believe that every pet owner should be aware of what free medical services are available and how to reach out to these programs. The next few paragraphs will explain some of …show more content…
You can share the link on social media as well as with your family members and friends. There are some minor fees involved, but 99.5% of the earnings will be received by the patient (GiveForward, 2014). One success story that stood out in particular to me was a young woman who was able to raise $10,000 for her dog that was hit by a car. The pup had two shattered hind legs and would need extensive surgery. She absolutely refused to euthanize her three year old and had try one last approach. With the help of family and friends getting her started and strangers taking her the rest of the way, she was able to hit her goal of $10,000 in a mere ten days (Vet Bill Assistance: How I Found Help, n.d.). Pretty incredible how people will come together to help. Imagine what you could do for your own pets! There are many more programs that the Humane Society endorses including Red Rover (Humane Society, 2014). Red Rover is a relief program that offers aid both financially and emotionally. Their focus leans more towards getting owners and their pets safely out of domestic violence, but they do offer limited grant money to anyone in need of urgent veterinary care (RedRover, 2012). There are certain guidelines that need to be met to qualify that our clearly listed within their website, My last suggestion is more of a preventative option rather than free care, but still just as important to be aware
Since it is not clearly stated on the website that it includes the option to donate to either Vet Ranch or the Preventative Care Program some people may become frustrated or even confused thinking they may have to donate to more than one place. However, although it is not stated anywhere on the website that donating to either Vet Ranch or The Preventative Care Program is an option, this program is still mentioned on the Vet Ranch website, which states that they are partners. Also, having the option to donate to either program allows for more animals in a wider area that can be helped and might even encourage people to donate more money to the programs if they have the funds to do so. Due to them being partners it is likely that if a donation is made to the Preventative Care Program, the money could be used to help Vet Ranch out. So in conclusion, it does not matter which one viewers donate to, any donation is still going to be helping out animals and that is what Vet Ranch’s mission is… After all, their motto is “We’re Gonna Fix ‘Em
emerge as a professional entity until the beginning of the 20th century, with the progress in biomedical science. Since then, the
The facility has not had to euthanize a healthy dog due to lack of space for several years. Programs have been developed such as the “special needs fund,” which allows for expensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and adoption for many dogs who may not of had that opportunity in previous years. However, cats provide additional challenges due to overpopulation issues. Last year approximately 800 treatable-rehabilitable/manageable cats had to be euthanized. However, programs such as the trap/neuter/release program, foster care in private homes, PetSmart and veterinary clinic housing/adoptions, and free cat adoption incentives greatly reduced the overwhelming difficulties with housing/adopting cats (Nebraska Humane Society, 2014).
Q2-Evaluate Vegemite’s brand image based on the social media research undertaken by Talbot and his team .In light of these historic factors, Why did Talbot want to revitalize the brand?
The Medicines Act 1968:- The Medicines Act controls the manufacture and supply of medicines for human and veterinary use. The act defines three categories of the supply of drugs; Prescription only medicines, Pharmacy Medicine, and General sales list medicines the act controls
Identify a range of interventions that can reduce the risk of skin breakdown and pressure sores.
Westmount Nursing Inc. is a for profit chain with seven different nursing homes. It has a grown from a small few bed facility to a facility with 4 different divisions that made to help make seniors more independent. The Westmount Nursing Homes were in search for a chief executive officer and president, which was filled by Shirley Carpenter. After Shirley Carpenter came on to the company, many changes were made and implemented. Some implementations were successfully, but she was also challenged with many problems with the Union Federation of Nurses and the Board of directors regarding wages and total quality management implementation. My recommendation would be for Shirley to stop the implementation of total quality management and focus on
The United States is considered by most as the greatest country in the world. It has the largest military, the largest economy, freedom of speech and religion, one of the first “successful” democracies and of course, the American dream. Yet, the most dominant force in the world, is also the only westernized industrial nation without a Universal Healthcare system. Clearly, something has to be done, America should have universal healthcare for all citizens. There are too many people in the country that is falling victim to the expensive private insurance companies.
America is known for democracy, freedom, and the American Dream. American citizens have the right to free speech, free press, the right to bear arms, and the right to religious freedom to name a few. The Declaration of Independence states that American citizens have the rights including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” America promises equality and freedom and the protection of their rights as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. But with all the rights and freedoms that American citizens enjoy, there is one particular area where the United States seems to be lacking. That area is health care. The United States is the only industrialized nation that doesn’t have some form of legal
The realization of such services should be supported with adequate funding. Again, the stakeholders of the organization should be the major contributors towards the long term care service provision funding. The continuum care is crucial in the sense that it ensures that the care of the patients continues amid all the challenges and at all times. In case of financial challenges, the government ought to lend a helping hand to assist fund the important services (Pratt, 2010). Other private organizations with keen interest in healthcare provision
Even though free healthcare is negatively associated with U.S. debt, deficit, and higher tax pay, all Americans should have the absolute right to free healthcare because it can save lives.
America is without a question the leading country of medical and scientific advances. There always seem to be a new medical breakthrough every time you watch the news or read the paper, especially in the cure of certain diseases. However, the medical research requires an enormous amount of money. The U.S. spends the most money on health care yet many people, mainly the working class Americans are still without any type of health insurance and thus are more susceptible to health risks and problems. The concept of health insurance for Americans was formulated over a century ago. Most Americans obtain health insurance from
According to Squires and Chloe, the United States of America is considered as the greatest country in the world, with the largest economy, military powers, freedom of religion and speech, and one of the most successful democrats (2). However, the United States in the only western modernized nation that does not offer free healthcare services to all its citizens. Apparently, the costs of the healthcare services to the uninsured individuals in the US are prohibitive, where the insurance companies are interested in making higher profit margins than providing adequate health care to the insured (Squires and Chloe 4). These conditions are unexpectable and incompatible with the United States
The correlation of increased potential patient rights violations and sensitive personal health data among electronic medical records than paper records is growing at an alarming rate. An estimated 52,000 public comments was reviewed by the Department of Health and Human Services requiring privacy regulations governing individually identifiable health information since the passage of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1966 (HIPPA). The individually identifiable health information includes demographic data that relates to the individuals past, present, or future physical or mental health condition. In addition, the provision of health care rights of the individual, confidentiality, protection of
Is the United States deserting its duties from their own citizens? The Affordable Care Act (ACT) was established by the Obama administration which was to provide Americans with better health coverage. The Affordable Care Act was to expand coverage, lower health costs, enhance the quality of care for all Americans, and hold insurance companies accountable (Affordable Care Act). While it was an improvement for the American people, health care in the United States is still hurting much of its citizens more and more every day. With the rising cost of medical insurance, citizens are opting out of having any health insurance at all. Even businesses are not able to provide health insurance to their own employees because of the high premiums. With