
Essay On Free Medical Treatment

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Free Medical Treatment for the Underpaid Pet Parent How many pet parents can say they could have bought a new car with the money they have spent on medical treatment for their animal? Sadly, I can confidently raise my hand to this question. Between torn ligaments and floating kneecaps in both knees, getting hit by a car, cyst removals, being involved in dog disagreements and routine care, I have spent roughly $10,000. I have since discovered that there are plenty of credit programs available for clients with low income, but what about free medical programs? I believe that every pet owner should be aware of what free medical services are available and how to reach out to these programs. The next few paragraphs will explain some of …show more content…

You can share the link on social media as well as with your family members and friends. There are some minor fees involved, but 99.5% of the earnings will be received by the patient (GiveForward, 2014). One success story that stood out in particular to me was a young woman who was able to raise $10,000 for her dog that was hit by a car. The pup had two shattered hind legs and would need extensive surgery. She absolutely refused to euthanize her three year old and had try one last approach. With the help of family and friends getting her started and strangers taking her the rest of the way, she was able to hit her goal of $10,000 in a mere ten days (Vet Bill Assistance: How I Found Help, n.d.). Pretty incredible how people will come together to help. Imagine what you could do for your own pets! There are many more programs that the Humane Society endorses including Red Rover (Humane Society, 2014). Red Rover is a relief program that offers aid both financially and emotionally. Their focus leans more towards getting owners and their pets safely out of domestic violence, but they do offer limited grant money to anyone in need of urgent veterinary care (RedRover, 2012). There are certain guidelines that need to be met to qualify that our clearly listed within their website, My last suggestion is more of a preventative option rather than free care, but still just as important to be aware

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