
Essay On Groupthink The Movie

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The first stage, forming, begins when most of the members of the group try to get to know each other. In the movie,the men were polite with one another; for example, the baseball fan offered chewing gum to some of the members and also helped them open a window.Also,the forming stage is characterized by uncertainty about the group’s structure and purpose.There was a sense of being uncomfortable, as shown by the architect who separated himself from the others as well as the jurors who sat silent and did not engage in small introductory conversations.
Initially the group declared the kid guilty in the ratio of 11:1 and were positive about their preconceived notions that children brought up in slums could definitely be criminal in nature.
As communication and dialogue amongst members continued,they began to change each other’s opinions by cross questioning each other …show more content…

The jury situation showed in the movie had a lot of symptoms that would usually lead to a groupthink. For example, the majority of the group had a belief in the correctness of their decision that they were punishing a bad person.They had a stereotyped and biased view of the people who opposed them ( do-gooders). There was extreme pressure to conform, and many of the jury members didn’t initially voice their opinions. The strong and aggressive personality of the businessman and some other people wanted to push the group in just one direction.

8) GROUPSHIFT: It is a change in the group’s decision.The shift could be towards a risky or a conservative alternative.In this case, as one by one certain evidences and alternatives were put up, the decision of each juror changed from guilty to not guilty for the 18 year old boy. This groupshift was initiated by davis and led to series of detailed analysis leading to the change in the

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