
Essay On Habitat 67

Decent Essays

Today we see different amazing and unique structures of civil engineering, it should be noted that these are not only the structures these are wonders of civil engineering.
What civil engineering actually is?
Civil word comes from civilized. Civil engineering is that engineering in which different type of construction is done just to benefit humanity. Civil engineers work for civilization. Civil engineers are the cause of materialistic wonders nowadays. One of the wonder of civil engineering is Habitat 67.
Habitat 67 is located in Marc-Dourine Quay on the Saint Lawrence River Montreal, Quebec, Canada. If you want to visit Habitat 67 just follow the address: 2600 Pierre-Dopuy Avenue, Montreal, QC H3C 3R6, Canada.
Engineer involved in constructing Habitat 67:
Moshe Safdie an Israeli / Canadian architect, designer and an urban designer. Moshe Safdie’s works are mostly based on open and clear spaces, geography, location and especially culture. Habitat 67 was his one of the best work and he also won exciting medals and awards such as the 1967 Construction Man of the Year Award from the Engineering News Record and the Massey Medal for Architecture in Canada for Habitat 67. Habitat 67 is the perfect example of open structure with clear geography and breathtaking view. …show more content…

It as a project of very low cost and gave many new type of designs and future ideas for construction of new structures. It removed the concept of tall buildings and gave the idea of asymmetrical layering of modules. Moshe Safdie’s work inspired the whole world and made everyone to look forward to Canada. In my opinion this a great work and was something new at that time and still this building is serving people. If someone ever visits Canada he/ she should visit Montreal to see exciting views of St Lawrence River and a breathtaking structure “HABITAT

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