
Essay On Hester And The Minister In The Scarlet Letter

Decent Essays

There were changes in both Hester and the minister after the meeting in the forest. Hester had gained a small smile on her face, a small change from her former self who had into the forest earlier that same day, but something that would have been noticeable to a close companion. The minister did not seem completely healed from his ailments, but had on him, an air of a rejuvenated man. Townspeople who saw him as he walked back to his abode noted, “The minister looks almost as if he is a new man. Has God cured our hallowed minister?” but it was not God who had treated the minister, it had been the disdained woman of the scarlet letter. When reverend Dimmesdale returned home he by the leech, Roger Chillingworth, was there to greet him and immediately noticed a change in minister’s charisma. “Thou seem different. What is the cause of this change?” “My travels have given me some much needed clarity,” responded the minister as he sat down into the plush chair next to the doctor. “Ah, yes,” said Chillingworth, “Traveling can cause one to forget what ails them at home, but no one can escape what waits for them back in their native habitat.” …show more content…

He belonged down on the scaffold below with the rest of the sinners. He leaned over the balcony looking down at the town, at the houses of people respected him, and what for? He was not any more honorable than any of them, if anything he was even less. Looking down thoughts of his sin, of Hester, of Pearl, of his whole life swirled about him. Even if he were to leave this wretched town he would still carry his wrongdoing with him everyday. At the time he did not, and neither do we, know whether he jumped from the balcony on his own accord, or whether a supernatural presence propelled him off the balcony, or if the hand of man drove him down towards the

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