
Essay On How Drug Responses Affect Medical Conditions

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Drug interactions may change how medications work with your condition. They may also increase the risk of serious side effects or trigger other health disorders.
When taking this medicine, be sure to provide all of your medical information to your doctor – if any of these medications you’re taking are on this list – it may affect your body’s response to balsalazide. Your doctor may need to adjust the dosage and the scheduling of the UC medications to avoid interactions and manage all of your medications for better health.
Other interactions occur with foods, vitamins, supplements, herbal remedies, alcohol and tobacco. You may need to change your diet and a few lifestyle routines allowing your body to benefit from this medication. …show more content…

You may also need to have regular tests to help your doctor monitor the existing condition and prevent it from getting worse.
In some cases, balsalazide can trigger life-threatening allergic reactions. Balsalazide can cause a severe allergic reaction that can be life threatening. Individuals with allergic sensitivities to balsalazide start feeling the symptoms after taking the medication. The drug interacts with allergy asthma – developing breathing problems causing the airways to swell.
• It may be less common the swelling – it could be fatal.
• If you have allergic reactions to this salicylates – DO NOT take this medication.
• Allergy to salicylates may cause o Anaphylaxs - your immune system releases chemicals causing you to go into shock. o Bronchospasm – abnormal contraction of the bronchi smooth muscle blocking the respiratory airways.
If you do experience any of these reactions – you need to call for emergency help or go to the nearest emergency room.
Blood Counts U.S. Food and Drug Administration posted warnings that balsalazide could increase white blood cell count in some individuals. The right amount of white blood cells help to fight infection – elevated levels are signs of another health problem related to infections, stress, inflammation, trauma or allergies.
• Age count most affected is between the years of twenty to twenty-nine
• Followed next by fifty to fifty-nine years of age
Although younger ages may be able to fight

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