
Essay On How The Poster Is Relevant To Young People

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How the poster is relevant to young people?
“Lose more than your inhibitions. Drugs are No Way to live!”. Drugs are a serious social scourge, but the young people consider it a medicine for their sorrows and depression. Risk-taking behaviour is often the result of fear, uncertainty, and uncertainty. The degree of impact of the risk varies by nature, how the person deals with, and the reasons that led to it. The practice of risky behaviour is part of adolescence, as risk is associated with immature brain growth. “I will try it only for once” Under the roof of this excuse. Several young people fall in love with exploration within them, which leads them to experiment with drug addiction. Addiction can initially be something new, a …show more content…

This feeling does not last long due to the adaptation in the body over time, forcing the user to increase the dose to get the desired effect. Over time, doping rates and the amount of doping occur after large doses, often causing symptoms such as spasm, fainting, and fatal nerve shock. In some cases, the causes of youth abuse and delinquency may be related to family disorders such as the problem of divorce, poverty, parents' neglect of their responsibilities in the home, the boring emptiness of youth, and the association of bad friends. Consequently, friend's reactions may do something like brain preparation to be sensitive and ready to accept the praise and appreciation of colleagues for an unusual and risk-related behaviour that represents the courage and challenges from their point of view. However, this sensitivity makes the adolescent intensify his efforts to gain the admiration from his friends and from behaviour that is dangerous, even if it carries harmful consequences in the long run.

Factors that impact on young people
There are many causes of drug abuse, but the result is always the destruction. One of the reasons is the availability of money and its abundance in the hand of the abusers. Money is a double-edged sword, and its existence is important to buy and provide basic needs, but when it is

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