
Essay On Internet Privacy

Good Essays

Subhajit Debnath
SUID 331531789
IST 618 Summer 2017 online
Policy Essay #2

In today’s world, Privacy and Security comes hand in hand with internet. Technology allows us free speech and freedom of information over the internet, by imposing strict laws and policies regulating the privacy and security of our information. According to Richard Clarke, free expression over the internet and its privacy are two sides of the same coin (Privacy and security(n.d.)). Writing blogs, uploading posts, comments or pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, networking or sharing links on Linkedin are all considered as our free expression and its security is our right. Individual right to …show more content…

This policy is applicable only on the search engines. The individual can request the search engine companies to not show his information like blogs, news, videos, articles or websites when someone searches about him. However, the news channels, media, websites or blogs can retain the information but the search engines cannot show the information publicly on search machines. The individual can only request for putting down the links, but the decision is on the search engine company if they would accept the individual’s request. In my opinion, I believe such law should be diminished. If this continues, a criminal, a doctor, a pharmacist, an engineer or a politician can remove their earlier misdeeds from the search engines. People would not be able to access their background and might take some wrong decisions. Individuals can get away from their earlier malicious deeds just due to this law of ‘Right to be Forgotten’ that hides such individual’s information from the common people. This goes against the right to get access to information or freedom of information for common people. For example, if a doctor has some negative record about a surgery that went wrong leading to a patient’s death and he removes such information from the search engine, people cannot take the right decision whether to choose the doctor. Again, people might end up voting a politician who has corruption cases against him. If there is review about a restaurant serving unhealthy food,

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