
Essay On Invasive Species

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How much time will pass, how many years, before realization hits that it’s too late? People on average tend to let their problems pile up and deal with them at the last moment, but for how long will our vast majority procrastinate when our environment is in danger? The very place in which our species exist. Will people wait until the last moment to take action? The moment it’s too late. Time is working against us, how will humans deal with a threat as grave as this? An invasive meltdown, a threat that could end life as it is now, is knocking at life’s doorstep, however will our species deal? Now isn’t the time to clam up, everyone needs to jump on the invasive bandwagon and proactively inform the community about the dangers of such nuisances. …show more content…

According to NOAA’s National Ocean Service, “An invasive species is an organism that causes ecological or economic harm in a new environment where it is not native” (What is an Invasive species?). Invasive species come in all shapes and sizes, so they all have to be removed differently from an ecosystem once introduced, but one thing’s for sure, they can all be prevented with a few easy steps. Play, Clean, Go is a government funded awareness campaign focused towards recreationalists on preventing Invasive species. It urges people to thoroughly check their boats for invasive species by emptying water traps and thoroughly washing their boats with high temperature waters and ecofriendly soaps, salt water, or vinegar. They also encourage people to dry their boat and or land rec. vehicles with towels to prevent the species from getting caught to the still damp exterior and enabling it to be transported somewhere else. This should be taught to every recreationalist even when applying for their

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