
Essay On Jane Austen Annotations

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Marriage allows for the converging of two families into one. Despite differences in characteristics, this idea praises trust, love, and compatibility instilled into these individuals. Jane Austen is one of the few who values marriage as an important duty; within his letter, he proposes that marriage will bring respect, happiness, and honor, so long that he finds the perfect patroness. Charles Dickens, on the other hand, writes his proposal by means of praising his potential and selflessness to his significant other. Both passages, although different in style, possess the ability to swoon a fair maiden through the use of logical and emotional appeals. Former clergyman Jane Austen implements structure and pronouns within his passage in order …show more content…

The certain repetition of the phrase “You could draw me to…” allows the maiden (whomever Dickens is proposing to) to visualize her effects on the individual, emotionally and physically. Dickens does a more romantic job in making her believe that she is capable of doing anything that he himself dislikes, as long as she agrees to have his hand in marriage. Not only does repetition do an effective job within his passage, amplification is utilized in the following statement: “I only add that if it is any claim on you to be in earnest, I am in thorough earnest, dreadful earnest.” This amplification alone pleads to the significant other the feeling of guilt and pressure in that it forces her to say yes. Not only that, but by addressing his characteristic strengths and promises, his methods are very effective in convincing his significant other into marriage. Dickens’ utilization of repetition and amplification works to put his significant other’s foot in their shoe, thus changing their perspective about marriage.
Both passages, although contrasting in appeals, successfully allow their audience consider their hand in marriage. Austen’s passage, through the use of pronouns and structure, enhance an appeal to logic in that the purpose is to only benefit themselves or other people. Dickens’ passage, through the use

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