
Essay On John Updike A & P

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John Updike A&P
The short story I choose to read was by John Updike. The short story is called A&P and is based on a teenager working his shift at the local grocery store. The setting of this story is very important and plays a very key point within the story. This short story was written in 1961, and the view of the narrator often shows the time period in which the story is being told. The Setting of this story is the A&P Grocery store and the views of the other customers also place the setting and atmosphere of the story. The characters views and standpoint in this story are based off of the setting in which the drama takes place. If the setting in this story was different this short story would be completely different.
This short story started off on a normal work day for the main character, and narrator. Sammy was 19years old and working what seems to be a dreadful job of cashing out miserable customers. He gives the setting not only by describing where he is working but he also points out the customer’s attitudes. He refers to his first customer as a “cash register watcher”, just waiting for him to make a mistake (updike, 2013, p. 14). Through the story he describes several customers and …show more content…

Sammy’s initial opinion is that this is unacceptable considering where the girls are. He says “You know, it’s one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach, where what with the glare nobody can look at each other much anyway, and another thing in the cool of the A & P, under the fluorescent lights, against all those stacked packages, with her feet padding along naked over our checkerboard green-and-cream rubber-tile floor” (p. 15). This gives an even greater description of the setting within in the story and his vision of the barefooted girls paddling along; all the way down to the green rubber tile flooring within the

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