
Essay On Jury Duty

Decent Essays

I believe that at some point a Democracy cannot be sustained when a relatively few amount of people are involved within the political process. The purpose of democracy was to give every single citizen of a country a voice. The “one man, one vote” slogan has been viewed by some as a reality and others as an illusion. Not all citizens agree with their views on our democracy and our government. Thus, when there is a lot of disagreement in the views and ideals of the political process, the chances of having more people not involved in politics increases. We all know that the United States of America has a very weak voter turnout. When the United States is compared or ranked with other Democratic countries, the U.S. tend to rank or be classified …show more content…

For example, in one country, they fine citizens who do not participate in the electoral process unless they indicate a reason why they are not voting. This is a pretty interesting method. We clearly see it in the United States with jury duty. All adults in the United States occasionally receive a jury duty notice that requires us to attend to court. However, many people can file an exempt from this, such as noncitizens, and other special groups that may be exempt from doing so. Failure to at least reply with a reason why they did not show up could lead to an eventual citation and even arrest. Thus, when most people see a jury duty notice for the first or second time, they try to handle it before they get into trouble. Jury duty is handled with strict laws and it is thus an effective method of engaging with most citizens. If the United States would handle the voting process in the same way that jury duty is handled, I believe that the voter turnout would highly increase. I would support the United States making a law that would make the voting process more demanding on citizens. Even if their answer is “nobody” or “I don’t care,” I would still agree with having those options for voters so that we could get a real image of what our citizens feel as a

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