
Essay On Kennewick Man

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When we think of prehistoric things they may think of things of the past, but with the breakthrough unearthing of the Kennewick Man transformed peoples thought of prehistoric existences. The Kennewick Man or “The Ancient Man” is the name given to the skeletal remains of a man found in Kennewick, Washington on July 28,1996. A pair of bystanders accidentally found the skeleton remains of the Kennewick Man. With the discovery it has brought up many disagreements about what to do with the Kennewick man. The question now is who is really responsible for the remains of the Kennewick Man.
The remains of the Kennewick man are one of the oldest and complete remains ever found. The estimated 9,000-year-old skeleton is described as Caucasoid. After the discovery it was described as one of the most complete male skeletons ever unearthed in America. The Kennewick Man remains were the subject of a court battle between researchers who want to learn all they can about “The Ancient One”, and the U.S. Army Corps. The Corps wanted to return the Kennewick Man to his rightful place so that the American Indian tribes can rebury him without the Kennewick Man being studied on. But under United States law human remains cannot be owned by anyone. Even though the Kennewick Man remains were discovered and recovered from federal land and is now …show more content…

The study of the Kennewick Man would help shed a new light on the issue and perhaps settle some of the controversies surrounding the remains. In a way the remains of the Kennewick Man belong to whoever can make the most use out of the Kennewick Man. However at the same time the remains of the Kennewick Man could be examined without harm and then the skeletal remains can be returned to his rightful and final resting place and be connected to his people as

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