
Essay On Last Rodeo

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One last rodeo
It was a sunny warm day in November when I was scheduled to have cortisone injections in my back. Upon arriving to my appointment, I was given a sedative to relax me and a pain medication so that I would not feel the insertion of the needle in my lower back to administer the cortisone. I did not feel any of the procedure, which lasted approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. I was given pain medication to take home to help with the pain of the injections, and that’s when the “demon” was released, leading to 8 years of uncontrollable substance abuse.

On the morning of November 30, 2006 my husband came upstairs to wake me up for the day; he found me unconscious with pale blue skin, weak to no pulse and no respiration, after …show more content…

A few years passed, and I did not touch a narcotic, until one day I met this person of who I felt was a good friend. I thought I was on a very positive road to success since I was in school, had a great job, and a wonderful family, until a trip to his family’s house where I was introduced to a more powerful long acting drug. It provided the best euphoric feeling in the world, better than chocolate, better than adrenaline even better than sex: Heroin! The demon was back, and this time it stayed for 6 years.
Heroin started with “sniffing” and eventually led to intravenous use. I lost my job, stopped going to school and lost my family. I did not want to subject this drug use to my young children, so they went to live with their father. I had contact with my children, however, I missed out on a lot of memories and milestones, which I now feel they resent me for.
One day I will tell my children why I was not there and hope they understand. All I can do is hope. Today I have 3 years clean with no narcotics or Heroin. This is the path on which I am going to continue. I will continue with my education; I have a very rewarding job, and I am married to the most wonderful, caring, loving, supporting man. I am grateful for my recovery, it was not easy; I quit cold turkey no suboxone or methadone, I was never going to go thru this horrific experience again that consisted of; stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. My

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