
Essay On Mandatory Reporting

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Mandatory Reporting of Abuse and Neglect
The Arizona Child Abuse Information Center provides on-line training for mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. The training provides the investigation protocol to identify when it’s necessary to report, what qualifies as abuse and neglect, and what processes to follow when abuse and neglect are identified. As mandated reporters, social workers must be knowledgeable regarding all processes of abuse and neglect reporting in order to adequately protect those who are most vulnerable.
When to Report
It is important to know when it is necessary to report abuse and neglect. In an effort to provide clear guidelines, Arizona state statute 13-3620 outlines the processes for mandatory reporting in the state of Arizona. The statute states, "any person who reasonably believes that a minor is or has been the victim of abuse... or neglect... shall immediately report or cause reports to be made.” (as cited in, “Mandatory Reporting,” 2009). “Reasonable belief” does not mean that proof has to be provided before a report can be made. Reasonable belief can be garnered from a child who indicates or reveals abuse or neglect, or from an outside source that gives the mandated reporter information in regards to abuse or neglect. The mandated reporter can also attain “reasonable belief” if he or she identifies injuries on the …show more content…

Types of abuse can fall under the following categories: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect. Physical abuse is any injury that a child receives that is not accidental. Sexual abuse is involving children in any sexual acts. Emotional abuse includes any behavior that causes children to suffer from psychological or emotional trauma. Lastly, neglect is failure on behalf of the child’s guardian to provide for the essential needs of the child

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