
Essay On Mary Shelley's Representation Of Family

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Throughout her life, Mary Shelley was consistently plagued by familial obligations, not only from her extended family but also her consanguinal family and close circle of friends. Beginning in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century, kinship structures were a system that ideally provided support – whether in the form of material gifts, help in the raising of children, or connections and assistance in finding employment (Ben-Amos, The Culture of Giving). For Shelley, her perceived obligations within this system became destructive and isolating, since members of her family failed to participate in the exchange network and instead merely reaped the benefits. My Master’s research will aim to quantify and analyze Shelley’s conceptual representations of the family by answering the following questions: does Shelley’s representation of family, …show more content…

Furthermore, The Culture of Giving by Illana Krausman Ben-Amos and Family and Friends in Eighteenth-Century England by Naomi Tadmor will act as the basis for my codifying structure. Tadmor suggests that “ties among kin were expressed in language. Their very relational structure was coined linguistically.” Terms such as ‘relation’, ‘kindred’, ‘friends’, and ‘connexions’ were used to recognize a variety of kin, from the conjugal family and beyond (Tadmor, Family…). With the use of digital tools, such as Juxta, I will be able to perform a relational content analysis using these terms. Statistics will allow for the visualization of the differences and similarities between the usages of kinship terminology within the three texts. This analysis will allow me to explore the connections between familial obligation and destruction, and subsequently identify whether Shelley’s psychological state consciously affected her portrayal of these concepts over

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