
Essay On Material Culture Vs American Culture

Decent Essays

Cultures can consist of so many different things but within a culture there are different types. There are the Material culture which is like tangible items such as memorials, books, clothes, etc. Then there is the non material culture which consists of all of the intangibles, such as beliefs, particular behaviors, etc. These two types of culture are very different. If I were to be living in lets say China, the cultures there in China both non material and material will be so different than here in New York state or in the United states in general. These cultures have been "perfected" by the society that keeps them. Cultures differ from one location to another because of how the society values these cultures. That is the reason why some cultures both non material and material are continued to be practiced and valued and not forgotten about. That's why it differs from one location to another because in those particular locations the …show more content…

All of these combined are the reasons why some cultures ideologies change as time goes by. As people mature in different time periods in their life, their eyes are opened to a new way of thinking. If you look at the United States, there are major differences in the culture today compared to the 1950's. Today people are more aware of the different cultures that are practiced such as different religions. In the 1950's, the LGBT group would have been persecuted because back in that time period people were not open to change or the way of life that this particular group lived. In the countryside of England in the 1800's is incredibly different than the way of life and the culture in the same time period in the City of London. People wore different clothes, spoke differently, they thought different and saw life very differently than the hard working farmers in the

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