
Essay On Medical Reimbursement

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Planning is sometimes difficult in group practices, for several reasons. One, the size of the practice matters. If a group practice is small and lacks vision and direction planning will be quite difficult accomplish. Wenzel states that planning for small groups are difficult due to fact that physicians believe the organization will continue, without giving any thought to the vision, mission, or any plans and that the plans are typically locked in the minds of the founders. This is a dangerous way for a practice to operate. Any practice that operates in such a manner will focus much of it time putting out “little fires” which can drain a practice not only of its energy, but also of its resources. A practice must be strategic in its planning for the future, which requires individuals (staff) that are knowledgeable and understand the uniqueness of the organizations culture. Physician Strategy Group defines a practice strategic planning as a process of determining a company’s long-range goals and the best approach for reaching them. Not only must a practice be …show more content…

This issue can be viewed from two different payment systems, that of Medicaid and commercial insurers. With Medicaid, the reimbursement rates are low depending on the state. According to the data by Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), in 2012 the rate at which physicians received payments in the state of Missouri was at .87 (this figure was the average for all services). If the low reimbursement rate is not problematic enough, the waiting time to receive those reimbursement are long and unacceptable by many physicians, says Peter Ubel. Peter further discusses the type of care needed by the population of people that uses Medicaid. Their illnesses are usually complex, time consuming and requires a lot of attention that is hard to give to a single patient. The more patients a practice group sees the more revenue they

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