After a recent spike in Metro rail crashes in Houston, officials are investigating the causes of the crashes to determine how to improve safety along the rail lines. The rail lines operate on street level and connect business districts such as the Medical Center with Downtown Houston. Critics have often argued that having street level rail that shares the street (and in some places, shares a lane) with cars, bicyclists, and pedestrians is simply an accident waiting to happen.
Record Number Of Crashes In June
In June, Metro recorded 17 crashes, the most in any single month since the rail opened in 2004. The vast majority of the accidents (13) involved vehicles, while three involved pedestrians, and one involved a bicyclist. In the decade plus of the rail line’s existence, it was only the third time that the number of total
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What Is Causing Metro Crashes?
Many of the crashes with vehicles are blamed on cars making illegal turns over the rail tracks. Even so, one Metro official noted that at least three of the accidents in June could have been avoided had the Metro conductor acted differently. For example, in one incident in which an ambulance turned in front of a train, the train was operating at a speed higher than the maximum limit for that area.
Areas such as the Medical Center are more prone to Metro accidents involving cars because many of the visitors are unfamiliar with driving in the area and not used to sharing the road with a train. Combined with the numerous garage entrances and exits that have limited visibility, it becomes a challenging place to operate.
Accidents with pedestrians and bicyclists usually occur because the person walked over or onto the tracks unaware that the train was approaching.
Safety Measures In Place To Avoid Accidents
In order to reduce the number of accidents, Metro officials have implemented additional safety measures, such
Thus, being the busiest rail and perhaps the most important for both the residents of Graniteville and Avondale plant, many trains traveled through the town daily conducting business. Nonetheless, for successfully deliveries, a switch connecting the spur to the mainline railway had to be manually turned towards the proper route. Failure to do so called for an eventual accident. Consequently, the train crash happened as a result of someone forgetting to flip the switch disconnecting the spur from the main line. Causing Freight Train 192 to divert from its route.
Have you ever thought of the dangers that railroads crossings have? Will if you haven't their are lots of dangers dealing with railroad crossings. In drivers ED I'm on Unit 5 Lesson 7 which tells most of the dangers dealing with railroad crossings. There are dangers on how fast you should go and how fare you should stop away from the railroad crossing. Lastly, you should know all the signs telling you were railroad crossings are.
This paper reviews the tragic mid-air crash of PSA flight 182 and Cessna N7711G a Cessna 172 over San Diego and its resulting FAA rules and regulation changes, and their affect on the U.S. aviation industry. PSA Flight 182’s mid-air resulted in the most sweeping FAA changes to airspace to date. The FAA rules and regulation changes was a success in preventing similar mid-airs of this type.
New York City is one of the most populous states in the United States. According to a 2014 census, there is currently over 8 million people living in the state (New York City Department of City Planning). With such large a population, it would be comprehensible to assume the streets would be very busy and lack of attention could cause accidents. In 2012, the federal Fatality Analysis Reporting system, reported that there were over 4 thousands accidents that involved pedestrians (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
people when a train is going across. Motorcyclists should not try to swerve or get a better
Sociology is the systemic study of human society and social interaction. Sociologists study human societies and their social interactions in order to develop theories of how human behavior is shaped by group life and how, in turn, group life is affected by individuals (Kendall, 4). The movie Crash (Haggis, 2005), is full of many sociological issues, such as race, social class, and gender. Crash makes you see how group life is affected by individuals and how human behavior is shaped by group life.
It takes about a mile on average to stop a train. Now that this information has been said, I don’t know why people wouldn’t be safe around these
Another tip was not to be distracted while driving so you can pay attention to the sign in a shared lane between a train and cars. If you pay attention to the sign by the light it will let you know if you need to stay out of the lane or if it is safe to turn. You also need to remember to keep you and anything you have or are holding behind the yellow line for safety by the tracks. It tells us an interesting fact that one track car weighs as much as an M60
And for all of you fast drivers out there never try to race the train because it’s not going to turn out good for you. In the video It’s Your Choice it talks about many stories of people dying by being hit by a train. In one of these stories it’s about a young boy, this young boy was walking on the tracks with his ipod and had headphones in listening to music. By the time the train conductor saw the little boy on the tracks it was to late, he honked his horn and put the emergency brakes on but by the time he did this it was to late for the kid to realize there was a train behind him and the train struck the young boy and the end result was fatal. I hope that you will learn from this young boys mistake and will never even walk on the train tracks especially with earbuds or headphones on because you not even see or hear the train coming for you. In conclusion, I would like to remind you to obey all of the rules when it comes to railroad tracks. Always remember that you can never be to careful when it comes to
Trains can be dangerous if you don't know how to be safe around them. Being safe around trains is a thing that people all around should know how to do weather that be in a vehicle, on a bike, or on foot. In the, "Utah transit Authority Operation Lifesaver" video says that, "When the guards go down and the lights start to flash just slow down and wait for the train to pass." If people would just listen to the warning signs and not try to race the trains there would be less accidents. When people race trains, if they don't make it they don't get a second chance at it. With a train you have almost no chance at survival if you get into an accident. You need to follow the signs and the warning signs to be cautious and not be stupid. Also in that
Reporting certain incidents is a legal requirement. The report informs the enforcing authorities (HSE, local authorities and the Office for Rail Regulation (ORR)) about deaths, injuries, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences, so they can identify where and how risks arise, and whether they need to be investigated.
1. Most highway-rail crashes are the result of driver error. Some drivers ignore the signs and attempt to beat the train.
Getting in a car accident is an unnerving thing. You never know what can happen and if your lucky you might see it coming. Well as often as these accidents occur, it happened to Spencer and I on one fateful summer evening.
Typical, it is 7:31 am Monday morning and I am running late. Knowing it will take approximately twenty minutes for me to make it to 8:00 am lecture on time, I grab my book bag hastily lock my apartment door and fly down the slightly stained cement stairs. In less than sixty-seconds, I miraculously made it from the third to the first floor without falling. I congratulate myself and hop in my old reliable dusty gray, 2011 Toyota. At last, I arrive to campus just in time to park in the closest lot near the School of Nursing building making it to my first lecture of the day with ten minutes to spare. This seems like a small and normal morning routine for some, for others who do not have
Third reason of accidents on the road is teenage drivers. “2,739 teenagers died in car accidents in the United States during 2008 ", ( Some teenagers cause fatal accidents, because of immaturity and lack of experience. Teenagers are very impulsive. Although not intending to hurt anyone, they sometimes drive very aggressively. It is not difficult to find teenagers driving with one hand on the steering wheel, seat pushed back, and with loud music playing. In traffic they go wild, trying to seek attention. They underestimate the risk of what they are doing. All these acts result in serious consequences on the road. Many accidents of young drivers result from their own mistakes.