Every year around September and October, monarch butterflies start their incredible journey. Monarchs from the northeastern parts of the United States and Canada travel to central Mexico, where they will arrive sometime in November to avoid the impending cold temperatures. The group of monarchs will start their return trip around March and can arrive sometime in July. However, it is not the same group of monarchs that started this journey. There are five generations of monarch butterflies that go through the whole annual migration. During this migration period, the monarchs are very useful as a pollinator. As they land on flowers to feed on nectar, they are spreading pollen to many different kinds of flowers. As well as feeding on nectar, monarch butterflies also …show more content…
There has been a reduction in the amount of milkweed in the United States. This being the main food source for the monarchs puts their annual migration at risk. Because of this issue, there are currently many organizations that putting forward several plans in order to conserve the monarchs. Some of the ways they are protecting future monarchs is through education, habitat restoration, and policy. Education is put in terms of providing the general public with knowledge about how important the monarchs are and how can they help. Another technique is habitat restoration. Restoring milkweed fields would be a very large step in the right direction for conserving the monarchs. Along with planting new milkweeds along with restoring the old patches of milkweed would allow the monarchs to continue to prosper. Finally, government and non-government agencies can implement new policies in order to aid the monarch butterflies, as well as the organizations formed to aid the monarchs. These steps all can have a positive impact in helping conserve the monarchs, and allow the butterflies to continue their annual
10: The life cycle of the organism: The life cycle of the Kamehameha butterfly is the females lay their eggs on the mamaki leaves. After it becomes a caterpillar it feeds on the mamaki leaves before pupating and transforming into a butterfly.
There are many instances of Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor being applicable to In the Time of the Butterflies. One such instance of this is the appearance of the bible in the novel. Religion had a large impact on the Mirabal sisters, especially Patria who was more in touch with her religion than the other sisters. This is increasingly apparent in her views of Pedrito who she calls her earthly groom. Also, Trujillo is similar to a god through his use of spies, through which he can see everything, and his authoritative rule over the Dominican Republic.
Courage is an important trait that needs to be present in order to affect change. The book in the time of butterflies by Julia Alvarez demonstrates this need for courage in the story of the four Mirabal sisters who acted with courage to create change in the Dominican Republic. They do this by showing great courage in the face of oppression. Minerva was one of the bravest of the Mirabal sisters. She shows: moral, intellectual, emotional, and physical courage throughout her life. These are demonstrated in her leadership and her heroic actions of resistance. Some of her main sources of courage were her childhood friends, her family, her sense of justice, and desire for equality. She shows courage repeatedly sticking up for what is right despite of threats,
The Dominican Republic’s dictator Rafael Trujillo had thousands of people killed because of their disobedience to him. From the 1930s to 1960s the country was under the control of Trujillo. He had taken control of the Dominican Republic and used his power against people who decided not to follow him and his laws. The four Mirabal sisters, Minerva, Patria, Mate, and Dede were all risking their lives because of their involvement in the underground, against their harsh dictator. In the book In the time of the Butterflies, the four Mirabal sisters perspectives are impacted by the underground movement against Trujillo because of each of their involvement with the revolution.
Mark Twain stated “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear”. To be courageous, one must be fearless, strong, and faithful. In the story, “In the Time of Butterflies”, four sisters have to display courage during a time of a bloody revolution. They have to overcome many obstacles including imprisonment, death and divorce but they all revolt and stay strong to themselves and their families and never give up.
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” (Andre Gide) In the novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, written by Julia Alvarez, four sisters are led through a risk infested journey in which they must overcome hindrances with hollow consequences. This historical fiction novel takes us through a rollercoaster of events, incorporating everything from the partialities towards women, to life below the oppressive administration of the Dominican Republic’s dictator, Rafael Trujillo. The events painted by the four sisters give us some insight as to the positives and negatives of life in the Dominican Republic. As the novel progresses, we see the diversity in relation to the
The monarch butterflies differ in migration than the any other species that migrate as well.The reason why the monarchs are different than other species is that they later come back to their previous winter location while other species stay.Monarch Butterflies migrate over 300,000 miles, for they can not stand the harsh cold temperatures. Every fall, they come from northern United States of America and migrate to southern United States of America, and at times they migrate all the way down to Mexico. Since monarch butterflies have” a complicated life cycle”(Migration) monarchs that have emerged in the winter do not yet reproduce until they’re in the summer or spring season.On the other hand, monarch butterflies that are emerged in the summer or springtime reproduce rapidly. In addition, it’s important for the monarchs to know when they have to migrate to the south and back to the winter.
“In the Time of the Butterflies” takes place in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s. The author, Julia Alvarez is a native of the country, but moved to the US at a young age. She first heard about the sisters roughly around 1986 and instantly felt the need to share their story with the world. In the book, Alvarez tells the story of the Mirabal sisters and their fight for freedom against the Dominican dictator Trujillo. Rafael Trujillo reigned for about 30 years until his assassination in May of 1961. Trujillo’s reign of terror began in 1930 and the violence soon followed. The self centered dictator changed the names of cities and murdered roughly about 20,000 Haitians from the neighboring country. The book not only tells the sisters’
The setting in the two novels plays important roles in both of the plots. In The Butterfly Revolution, the setting shifts in the very beginning of the story. In the journal Winston Weyn receives for his birthday from his uncle, he describes his home. Winston also shares with us that from his parents he half-heartedly accepted a trip to High Pines for the summer. Winston was not like most boys, and instead of playing baseball and doing things that most boys do, he read books. This bothered his brother Howard, which just encouraged Winston to read more and more. His father and mother, both concerned, had multiple talks with Winston but none of these talks resulted in anything. “And here I am, sitting on a thin and kind of smelly narrow mattress on my bunk in a cabin at High Pines” (22). He went from the comfort of his own bed to the smelly mattress of High Pines. The central conflict of the story begins at the camp. This shift of setting allows the real story to begin. Later in the novel, the setting shifts again. Some of the boys begin to venture off into the girls camp, or Low Pines. After the revolution has begun, they take over the girl camp, also. If the girls’ camp was not involved, two out of the three deaths would have been prevented. John Mason would not have died under the
Three different things are endangering the monarch butterfly. First, is the deforestation of Mexico. Through illegal logging of the forests and the thinning of the canopy the monarchs are left vulnerable to the elements including frost and freezing rain (Wexler, 2004). Second, is a genetically engineered corn. The corn is engineered to be insect
Death is a word associated with loss, grief and sadness, but in the novel In the Time of the Butterflies we see death in a whole new perspective; martyrdom. Strong, independent, caring, honest, and having firm beliefs are all characteristics we see in a martyr especially in Patria. In the novel we explore the wonders of Julia Alvarez’s writing and get to witness Patria as a martyr and an individual who fought for the right of women against a dictator: Trujillo.
The monarch butterfly, as known as Danaus plexippus, is often called the milkweed butterfly because its larvae eat the milkweed plant. They are also sometimes called "royalty butterflies" because their family name comes from the daughter of Danaus, ruler of Argos. There are many other interesting facts about this butterfly including its anatomy and life cycle, where the butterfly lies on the food chain, the migration from Canada to Mexico, why the butterfly is being threatened, and lastly, what is being done to help the butterfly.
What Does Brian Caswell want to tell the reader about Being Different In the novel, A Cage of Butterflies? What Does Brian Caswell want to tell the reader about Being Different?
In the short story “The Moths” by Helena Maria Viramontes, the author uses symbolism and characterization to paint the scene of a girl in a literary fiction that has lost her way and ends up finding herself within her Grandmother through the cycles of life. Through the eyes of an unnamed girl we relive a past that has both a traumatic ending and a new leash on life; however, we do not get there without first being shown the way, enter “The Moths”.
It was exceedingly difficult for me to choose which photos were my favorite. Partially because there was a large quantity of photos to choose from and partially because there were photos that, when I was taking them, I thought for sure that they would turn out well. However, when I saw the finished product, the picture wasn’t able to capture the same feeling as when I saw it in person. My favorite photo is the picture of the monarch butterfly resting on the yellow daisies. I choose this as one of my favorites, not because the subject matter was especially unusual or interesting, but because of the editing I was able to do to the photo. I don’t have much experience editing photos, so this project introduced me to some of the basic features available in Photoshop. I was able to darken the edges and blur some of the outer flowers so that the eye is drawn towards the center of the picture. Then I was able to alter the color of the flowers so that they were a brighter shade of yellow making the contrast of the yellow flowers to the orange butterfly more dramatic. After I did this, the photo looked too bright; so I made the shadows on the flowers more prominent and increased the overall saturation of the photo so that some of the darker areas balanced out the brightness of the flowers and the butterfly. I ended up centering the butterfly in the middle when I cropped it because I didn’t think the rule of thirds would apply well to this particular picture. I am happy with the