
Essay On Monty Python The Quest For The Holy Grail

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Monty Python the Quest for the Holy Grail is a decently funny film mocking the stories of knights, women, religion, and good vs. evil. So far through this first nine weeks we have read and learned about the different but similar themes of Medieval Literature. The Medieval times took place in England around 449-1489 A.D. The way of life of the Medieval people’s way of life is a whole different way of living than what it is too me. They lived by the land and also raised their own farm animals. They lived by the Feudal system, which is the ranks of the people. The highest up were the Kings followed by the lords, and knights and with the lowest rank were the peasants.
The code of chivalry emphasized bravery, military skill, generosity in victory, piety, and courtesy to women. The film made fun of knights right toward the beginning Monty Python the Quest for the Holy Grail. A knight is defined as a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor. The film mocked on this especially when the knights didn't even have horses. They ran around on foot and made noises like horse with their servants bang coconuts …show more content…

Evil played a big role in these noble quest in most if not all medieval literature. For Beowulf it was the big and evil Grendel and his revenge seeking mother and the treasure guarding dragon. Beowulf being a good night has the face the evil monsters on theses noble quest to prove his knightly behavior. For Sir Gawain and the Green Knight I believe it is still good and evil but Sir Gawain is not as honest as a knight should be. Sir Gawain showed his bravery for Arthur when he stepped up to take the challenge. The biggest thing that stuck to my mind in the film is the scene with the black knight. This is good vs evil but both are knights. The black night will not let the night pass without a fight. Even after the he loses a couple of limbs the black knight still has the courage and bravery as a knight should, to fight until

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