
Essay On My Favorite Teacher

Satisfactory Essays

Second Favorite Teacher Essay There is a lady in my life who is very, very important to me. The lady’s name being Terry Wolfinger. Yes, this lady is the first name on all of my emergency contact papers, but that is not why she means the world to me. Terry is meaningful to me because she has exposed me to new things that I have never learned to do. Although she may not be my teacher in school, Terry has taught me a lot of material within the past year and a half. Terry has taught me, and is currently teaching me, how to do simple chores, cook, and how one person can be so crucial in someone’s life. She is doing all of that while being caring, helpful, and somewhat stern. While she has been a mentor to me, her being my gram is the icing on the cake.
While Terry is a superb teacher, she is also kind of strict. Terry has her own way of doing stuff, and if you do not do it Terrys way, it is not the right way. Her being so rigid leads me to learn more about what to do and how to do chores, mainly because if I do not do it right, I have to do it over and over again. Once in awhile she will make me follow her around so she can show me how to do things, and gets mad if I leave. You would think that almost every teenager knows how to make their own bed, right? Well, apparently I did not. Making my bed the “right” way is something my grandmother taught me to do, and she made sure it got done correctly. She would even stand there a watch me do it and critique me on everything. Though she is sort of strict, it helps me learn better because I know I have to get the bed made right, or I will have to be retaught until it is done correctly. .
Even though Terry is strict in her ways of teaching in the house, she is caring outside of the house. I am not sure if she knows this, but when she is with me and I see how Terry acts towards people, it teaches me how I should behave around people. My grandmother puts everyone before herself, even in situations where she should come first. Her being this way has taught me to do the same. While we were away in West Virginia at a work camp, Terry formed a bond with our whole crew after just an hour of knowing them! These people came from all over the United States and they became

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