
Essay On My Field Experience

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My Field Experience was conducted by an interview with a Detective and former police officer Shane Marshall. We had a conversation about if he enjoyed his job and if he had more good experiences than bad experiences or if it had been more bad than good. He talked about even though he did have bad experiences, he had more good experiences over bad ones. He explained how it takes a little to get use to seeing the things that you come across in this line of work. He believes that once you get use to the line of work then the job can become enjoyable. Something that we also talked about is what who he finds the most difficult to work with when he is on a case or when he use to be on patrol, his answer was millennials. The reason that he believed made them the hardest to deal will is because they are not taught to properly handle and respect authority figures. He believes that the millennial generation have grown and been allowed to have so much confidence that they do not have to listen to anyone because they believe that they are better than everyone else. He thinks this new set of confidence comes from the “Participation trophy effect” which he explained to be everyone is given a reward for just trying be part of something. He also talked about how he thinks that …show more content…

He said he joined the police force because he wanted to help people as much as he can and he had friends that had been doing it before him which helped influence his change in careers. Things that he enjoys about his job has been the opportunity to help others when he is needed. He also enjoys the friendships that he has gained over the his career. He is now happy as a detective because he said it was always an ultimate goal for him to become one. He had a few things that he said he had to grow to accept and some dislikes about the job he has now that he is someone who has been around for

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