
Essay On National Junior Honor Society

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On behalf of Beaufort Middle School, myself, Dr. Tomon and The Faculty Council we congratulate you and your student on being selected for membership to the Beaufort Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. The NJHS is a program that celebrates the success of many of our hardest working students, based upon academic achievement as well as the demonstration of outstanding character, service, leadership, and citizenship. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built. Members of NJHS take pride in their accomplishments and work diligently toward the goal of attaining a superior education and contributing to their school and community. They do their best to provide positive role models for their peers.

Scholarship: Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 93 percent in all core classes. Students are eligible to be …show more content…

Discipline is a part of character, and students with any of the following offenses are not entitled to membership:

Removal from a sports team while in middle school
Substantiated charges of academic dishonesty while in middle school
OSS, or ISS during the current academic year

A one-time membership dues of $10 will be collected per nominee. This $10 fee is due to Mrs. Miller by Thursday, May 7, 2017.

If the aforementioned criteria are met, the student will be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in a ceremony on Thursday, May 11, 2016 at 6:00 pm at Beaufort Middle School. The meeting of the criteria for being inducted is the nominee’s responsibility. Each student is responsible for keeping track of due dates, paperwork and service hours.

We look forward to working with you this

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